"Price To Pay" 

After all, those fairies liked world peace and they really disliked whoever created war out of nothing! 

How could they help the celestials to wage war on other races? 

The celestials were heartbroken, and at the same time, Code-L slowly trotted back to Crimson Island. 

People only saw the tiger looking leisurely and calm, but if one looked closer, the tiger actually used the wind around herself to make her run faster in the air. 

How could she be calm and leisurely? 

She was sweating hard because now it was time for her to pay for the 'debt' she owed the rules just to hack the elders' domain back then!

If anyone asked what kind of price Code-L had to pay, it was not that serious. 

At most, she would be so weak for a few weeks or months, just like Bello, who was in a weakened state. 

But Code-L's weakened state this time was different.