"A Palm-sized Kitten" 

How could it not be shocking? 

It was as if seeing the mighty King Atherton suddenly changed to a baby wearing a diaper and crying like a little devil. 

Oh. But Code-L's cries sounded so cute and milky, ah. 

Is this really the mighty white tiger who had just killed so many celestials as easily as turning one's palm, solving all the dangerous Valkyries and even playing with those legendary warriors in her palm?

Everyone was shocked, including Ainsley, who was sitting on Atherton's lap. 

When she first saw such a weak and cute Code-L inside Atherton's chest pocket, the baby almost bit her tongue. 

She had seen the tsundere and cold Code-L. 

She had seen her vicious side and her true strength. Ainsley had also seen Code-L's tough nature, as if everything and everyone was trash. 

But now, facing the cute and weak-looking Code-L, Ainsley suddenly had a bad thought.