"Opening Space & Time Channel"  

It was said that extinguishing evil forces and dark creatures would grant the celestials more holy energy, which was why the queen and many other leaders were obsessed with killing the blood clan. 

Which dark camp's creature could have a stronger force than the blood clan? 

Despite their small number, their strength was way better than other small dark creatures. 

Everytime the celestial killed a blood clan member, even if that blood clan member could be revived again, the celestial still got a certain amount of holy energy. 

This holy energy could be passed on to the younger generation, making the future generation better than the previous one. 

But in the past eras, world peace made it difficult for the celestial to gain holy energy. 

Only some leaders dared to wage war on the blood clan, and the result showed that the current celestial was indeed better than the generation above them.