"Summoning Gate of Heaven"

[Little kid...go to Hell with this lord. You are already dead, anyway, and...you can leave this world anytime.] 

[Just transfer your soul from the underworld to Hell...and you can join this lord's team.] 

Belphegor was sincere, but Wilhelm, as someone who had a lazy soul enough to attract Belphegor, reacted with his true nature as a lazy person. 

[Thank you, but no. It will be so annoying to work at Hell and do things...meh. I'll just stay as a spirit and occasionally help my shaman.]

Belphegor was stumped for words, but he soon chuckled and resigned without holding a grudge. 

Anyway, he was used to this scene. 

The reason why he was assigned the first level of Hell was not only because of his own request to prevent having too much work but also because he had the least subordinate among other demon lords. 

The reason? His subordinates were all lazy, and they were not capable at all!