"Intruders From The Opposite Domain" 

The same trick wouldn't work twice. But since the enemy delivered themselves to the door…

Let's 'welcome' them warmly! 

The holy spirits didn't think that someone eavesdropped on their conversation, and even captured their movement with the invisible sound wave. 

After all, no matter how good someone's stealth skill was, with the sound wave as a detector, as long as the person didn't turn into nothingness, the sound wave would always capture something and faithfully record it for the 3D map projection. 

At the same time, Ainsley's sound wave was not an ordinary sound wave but more complex than a normal sound wave. 

With the sound wave, not even spirits, souls, consciousness, or other entities without bodies could escape from Ainsley's monitoring. 

In this regard, the 3D map was actually powerful and was a cheat-like ability. 

Unfortunately, all this time, Ainsley focused more on abilities that she could use to attack or defend.