"Axelle's Transformation" 

It was well-known that only the high-level abyss demon and the royal family had high intelligence and could be called comparable to other demonic creatures. 

The mid-level and low-level abyss demons were all lunatics who were driven by their destructive instinct. 

The abyss Demon was a branch family of the Hell Demon, just like Celestial Race was a branch of the angel race. 

But celestials were still normal compared to the majority of Abyss Demons. 

People said that when Hell demons had children with non-demonic partners, their children, the halflings, would have some problems with their temperament or their IQ. 

This was why the demons from Hell would rarely have children with non-demons. 

Even an interracial marriage between two different clans in the same demon family often lead to such cases.