"Brainwashing Gabriel & The Battle Angels"

The baby contacted Satan,  who was supposed to be luring the battle angels to reduce the burden on Ainsley, and coincidentally, Satan also got Ainsley about this matter. 

[Little girl, so many battle angels withdraw from this lord's place and go to your area. This Lord also saw the holy barriers...] 

Satan was a bit sorry that he couldn't help Ainsley to lure the battle angels away. 

Satan, who had a hot temper and liked to get mad, unexpectedly didn't get mad in this situation and even felt a little guilty for the baby. 

After all, their hope was now placed on the baby, so it wasn't wrong for him to be a little gentle and considerate so as not to scare the baby, right? 

Ainsley didn't know Satan's thoughts and only felt that the situation on the battlefield was indeed unpredictable. 

Even after she had planned so many things and also prepared backup plans, all those plans would be useless in the face of the holy barriers.