"Three Evil Dragons"

However, Ainsley also had a pair of small succubus-like horns this time, which was the unique trait of Chibi Asmodeus. 

The real Asmodeus had a gorgeous goat-like horn, but maybe because Ainsley only had less than 1% of Asmodeus's bloodline, her horns turned into these small horns the moment Asmodeus left her. 

Ainsley got half of her body's control to focus on spreading the invisible virus. In contrast, the Godfather, who had the other half of the body control, started to conjure lightning one after another. 

The lightning flashed from the sky and gathered among the clouds, moving like a bunch of agile snakes ready to attack their prey. 

The Godfather didn't open a domain because it was too difficult to open a small domain inside a huge domain like the Armageddon Domain. 

But this is also good, because it means the opponent also couldn't open their domains.