"Obtaining Luck Thief Skill"

Zev pulled up all the rewards that were supposed to be given out years later to Ainsley right away because Ainsley had completed even her future missions. 

The rewards included expanding the space inside Ainsley's bracelet that could house so many spirits, monsters and beasts. 

There was also the soul strengthening potion, healing Ainsley's hidden injuries and making sure that her soul would blend well with her current body. 

From the simplest potion to the rarest potion that no one in this world ever had, Zev gave Ainsley all the rewards, just hoping to boost Ainsley's power to reach her initial potential. 

After all, once the war ended, Zev had a hunch that aside from a short period of time to relax, there would be more trouble ahead, and this might involve Zev's life-long mission.