"Michael's Ultimate Attack"

If Michael wanted the impact to be 100% instead of just 10%, he had to increase the amount of energy he released so that 10% of the whole energy could be a 100% of the normal energy value. 

If before, Michael's ten out of ten blow would also deal ten out of ten impacts,  now, without a medium, his 10/10 blow would only have an effect of 1/10. 

So, he had to use 100/10 instead of 10/10. 

He had to use a lot of energy just to give a blow with the same value as 10/10! 

Michael felt aggrieved, but he was stubborn and immediately implemented the plan. 

He didn't want to self-destruct like Gabriel, so he could only wrong himself and make this crazy plan. 

Time was tight, and Michael didn't waste any second to gather a large amount of energy that he transformed from his believers. 

In just one second, Michael managed to gather a lot of energy that was enough to blow up 1/4 of the whole domain, yet he just wanted to use it on Ainsley.