"Fortress Tour"

These ordinary people loved Ainsley not only because she was a child and didn't look menacing, but also because of her kindness. 

Even though many of these villagers had never seen Ainsley, the treatment they received directly represented Ainsley's thought as the head of the mafia family. 

Which villager like them could live such a good life with a big mafia family around? 

Not only the Sloan Family resisted prostitution, child trafficking, dangerous drugs or organ selling, but they also created more stable and safer jobs for the villagers. 

Many of the villagers worked in the factory belonging to the Sloan Family and those who awakened their abilities, even if just one useless ability, would always be able to prove themselves and did things that suit them. 

The Sloan Family welcomed such awakened people among the villagers and townsmen but also continuously tried to improve the lives of ordinary people.