"Axelle's Memory Inheritance"

"Axelle, your new look is so good! I have seen some demon lords with crimson skin and this new skin color really fits you well." 

Ainsley sincerely praised Axelle, not knowing that the man who was standing a few meters away from her was actually so nervous before Ainsley spoke like that. 

When Axelle saw Ainsley visiting his residence in the castle, God knew for a moment, he had almost lost control of his demonic instinct because of a huge emotional change. 

Axelle knew that Ainsley had returned, but he deliberately didn't want to see the baby and was afraid that she would dislike his new look despite knowing that Ainsley was also his 'kind' because she was a blood clan's distant descendant. 

Axelle treated Ainsley as his own family, as his little sister who always supported the good-for-nothing older brother with a timid personality. 

Now that he became a demon directly....Axelle was actually a bit flustered.