"Just For Fun"

Many people commented and dug out Ainsley's life story once more and they found out that the baby used to be an outcast in the family which was why she was stimulated to awaken the charm ability. 

She just wanted love and kindness from her family, but for years, when Leroy was there, no one dared to be kind to the baby, afraid that they would piss off Leroy. 

[Maybe this life experience is what makes the kid more mature than children her age and she's more sensible.] 

[She also never discriminated against anyone because she had felt what it was like to be an outcast.] 

People could sympathize more with a weak-to-strong hero than someone who was already born with countless privileges. 

Called them cheap for being jealous of privileged people, but Ainsley's life experience really aroused many people's sympathy.