"Elton Academy's Breathtaking Visual" 

But the 7 great families never stepped foot in the dark area and at most, only did business in the gray area. 

With Ainsley's influence growing stronger in such a short period of time, the Aretha Family, who was one of the mafia families with an 'orthodox' mindset, finally suffered. 

Raphael just wanted to be low-key and didn't want his siblings to offend someone they should not offend. 

In the past, the two brothers from the Aretha Family could still have some prestige in the academy by relying on their Aretha Family as a big mafia family. 

Although their background was only considered in the middle class among students all over the world, they were still not that bad. 

Unfortunately, the Aretha Family declined fast and even if the prestige was still there, among students in Elton Academy all over the world, such a family background could only be classified in the low class.