"Jealousy and Hatred"

These 'geniuses' were never as talented as Seiya when they were a child, so seeing a much more talented kid than them back then did give birth to some kind of twisted jealousy!

Among the on-site and online audiences, many people, especially the students, were secretly jealous of Seiya's luck for being able to enter the Academy at such a young age. 

Thus, when they saw Seiya, a.k.a, Ainsley, just closed her eyes and looked as if she was scared silly, the jealous students gloated openly and secretly. 

Some bold students didn't care whether others would know them because of their real name account on the live stream and immediately sent out some mocking comments one after another. 

[Just this kind of kid who doesn't have a fast reaction to his surroundings and can't adapt fast is also worthy to be a special admission student??]