"Rumor About Seiya" 

Blair also couldn't explain why she felt a kind of repulsion towards that boy, just like what she felt towards Ainsley when they first met each other. 

Could it be that this boy would be the next Ainsley Sloan? 

The possibility was not small at all. 

Blair was silent for a while before nodding at the two brothers. 

"Well, I don't know why, but I just dislike him. I have this sense of repulsion that is similar to when I first faced Ainsley Sloan." 

The Aretha Family's nightmare was these two names and even these three brats had a lingering fear of this name. 

When the two brothers heard what their little sister said, they didn't know why, maybe their brains just suddenly twitched out of the blue or what, but they got a wild guess in mind. 

"Could it be....this Seiya is someone cultivated by Ainsley Sloan in secret?"