"Panacea Rabbit Appears" 

Regarding this trouble, Ainsley had no choice but to 'cheat' and slowly boost her own luck level so that she could at least hunt one rabbit to finish the task. 

This was indeed a bit of cheating because luck could not be manipulated casually and as someone who could do that, Ainsley was a bit ashamed. 

It was just that, Ainsley also wanted to pass the test with a good score to get some benefits, so the baby put aside her guilt and patiently waited for the arrival of any Panacea Rabbit. 

She didn't know when the rabbits would come out of the rabbit hole or return to the rabbit hole because it was still early and many beasts here became more active at noon and in the evening. 

The group patiently waited for five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes— and maybe, because of Ainsley's boosted luck, after waiting for fifteen minutes, the group didn't have to wait for too long because they finally saw the target they wanted to hunt!