"Sun Zone"

The tree barks had some patterns similar to the surface of the sun, which was beautiful and eerie at the same time. 

Hidden among the swaying flame leaves were palm-sized fruits in the shape of the sun that people often saw in children's drawings. 

Rather than the real sun in the sky, these orange-yellow fruits looked more like durians because of the 'spikes' around them. 

It was like a copy-paste from the children's drawing of the sun. 

Even from a distance of a few hundred meters away from the tree, Ainsley had already sweated a lot and she could feel the heat coming from this Sun Zone. 

The whole zone was occupied by fire-element plants, so naturally, the beasts and monsters that dared to come to this zone also more or less had a good heat resistance or had a fire element. 

Since there were herbivores here, the carnivores also came to hunt some easy-to-eat herbivores.