"A Plant Tamer's Weakness" 

[I heard that many people died in this lake each month, which was why the creatures in the lake were used to hunting foreigners for lunch and dinner.] 

[Nighttime will be more dangerous than daytime. The group has to leave the lake before the sun goes down. Otherwise...I can't bear to imagine what will happen, ah.] 

[This group is one of the first cooperative groups among the contestants and they also have a good tacit understanding between teammates. Wonderful!] 

[I want to donate some score points to the little kid for her bravery and strength to save her teammate. It must be so reassuring to fight alongside such a person.] 

Ainsley's subconscious reaction to save people earned her a wave of donations and even the judges also added more score points to Ainsley for her good character. 

Everyone would want to have such a person who could be trusted and even risked her own life to save others.