"Catching Ballerina Plants"

The boat stopped not too far from the shore of the west lake, where many acacia plants liked to take roots. 

The Acacia plants had thick roots embedded into the rocks and could grow deep into the lake, making this gigantic tree much more mysterious. 

From afar, one could see the towering and lush Acacia tree that resembled a willow, with thick trunk and special leaves. 

The leaves and the flowers were all beautiful, and the color was dark purple and dark blue. 

The color combination made this tree look more and more like a tree in a fantasy movie. 

This tree could not move its roots, and it was known as a rather docile mutant plant who liked to shelter many wandering plants and animals. 

To be honest, the Acacia plant was really not that aggressive, and even if they could move their roots, it should not be as dangerous as the agile water lily.