"Acacia Baby Roots" 

The corrosive water alone already had such an effect on strong monsters, no wonder the tough glass bead had signs of melting and if Ainsley didn't fix it within seconds, the glass bead would have dissolved within seconds!

The polluted 

water successfully got rid of several monsters in the flock but soon the corrosive monster started to spurt out another round of corrosive liquid. 

The pitch-black sizzling liquid flowed out of the monster's mouth and landed perfectly on the glass bead barrier! 

This time, the mermaid nimbly manipulated the water barrier around the glass bead barrier to dodge the corrosive liquid attack. 

Because the mermaid was more experienced now, the five contestants successfully got rid of the corrosive liquid attack with only a minimum damage. 

Even so, a little bit of the corrosive liquid touched the water barrier outside of the glass bead barrier, instantly polluting the entire water barrier.