"Overlapping Space" 

"Little girl, focus on finding the smaller nest with eggs or cubs. Our current place should be at the outer circle of the lair, so we have to go deeper." 

The mermaid asked Ainsley to focus the use of her 3D map ability on the possibility of cubs' nests and such. 

Their goal was not the mysterious monster itself but the cubs. 

They didn't know where the monster was at the moment, but it was better not to provoke the monster and just quickly steal the cubs! 

The surrounding was still as dark as before, but with the help of the 3D map, everyone slowly unveiled more about this strange place. 

This place looked barren, but it still had plants and many natural resources. 

It was just that, this place did look like something arranged artificially because many natural resources that should not live together were actually grouped together here.