"The Clash of Sound Waves"

Ainsley didn't have time to fix the barriers or improve the performance of the barrier with her Realism Art ability, so all she could do was create something new from her Realism Art ability. 

The baby decided to use poison to fight poison. Since it was the sound wave that was going to hit them, she also wanted to use a similar sound wave to neutralize the attack. 

Ainsley didn't think much and just waved her hand, summoning her brush that she usually used to draw when she activated the Realism Art ability. 

Because lately, the baby had learned to use the ability without summoning the drawing brush, people never saw the legendary brush that Ainsley used in her previous wars. 

This time, the cameras caught the scene of Ainsley's magical brush and even when the audience was nervous for this team, they also looked at Ainsley's golden shining brush with wide eyes.