"A Hidden Stronghold" 

The higher-ups' faces instantly turned pale and even the ten deans, the highest authority of the academy, could not help but be stressed. 

This case involved the future generation of their academy! 

How could they not panic?

If they could not save the trapped contestants and students…

The Elton Academy would regress in strength by a few years. 

The ten deans were strong, but even they could not solve the issue with dimensional holes, the abyss and so on. 

What they could do now was to ensure the people inside the island could survive until the space disturbance became normal again. 

Maybe a few days after the abyss opened up, there would be a change in the space disturbance and maybe, the people trapped there could also leave. 

The question was, how do they ensure the contestants and the students stay alive for a few days when there would be abyss demons attacking?