"Leaving The Main Hall"

It was said that the young man was a mutated celestial race, and despite his beautiful wings, his bloodline was unclear, and fellow celestials often bullied him. 

Only when he went to the academy was he admired and often sought after due to the handsome face that many students secretly stamped as 'the lost angel'. 

There were also two elementary school students with the two people, and both of them were boys. 

The two boys were not naughty at all and could even be said as awesome. 

One of the boys had this kind of gentlemanly chivalry aura even when he was at the same age as Finley, ten years old. 

The other was gloomy and silent, like a sharp assassin in the dark. 

With a small body and  graceful movement, many students secretly nicknamed the boy as a little ghost from hell.