"100.000 Bound Demons" 

To be honest, in this battle, Ainsley didn't feel the same death and life situation as when she participated in the new century war because even if the demons broke through the castle, with her natural demon bloodline, no demons would harm her. 

Even when she didn't deliberately connect the bloodline threads to use bloodline suppression, the abyss demons would still sense Ainsley's demonic breath from Hell, and they would subconsciously take a detour, afraid that this 'big boss' wanted to eat them. 

The moment Ainsley successfully transformed into a demon cub, she was no longer human, and naturally, the abyss demons also had less interest in her. 

Still, the others in the castle would not be able to escape from the abyss demons' attacks because the abyss demons feared nothing other than hell demons and higher-level beings.