"Challenging The World Union"  

Before Ainsley even used the megaphone to talk to all people on the World Central Island, the representative of the people from the World union had already started the initiative. 

After the invisible flying cameras were in place and the live broadcasting platforms had all been activated to attract countless viewers, the world union's representative immediately spoke in a polite and gentle voice. 

"Dear guests, we don't know why you bring such a huge force to surround our headquarters. Is there any enmity between us, or are you going to rebel?" 

"If you want to rebel, then we can't just do nothing and watch. This is our first warning. Please for the intruders, leave the island within ten minutes. If not, we will launch an attack." 

"As for those who are surrounding the island with malicious intention, we will also launch an attack within thirty minutes. Please be considerate. Thank you."