"The Origin Of Abyss Seal" 

The people from the world union had started to investigate the sudden death of many historical seniors. 

Because the souls were also taken away by the murderer, the people from the world union already had a headache. 

At the same time, the argument between Ainsley and the people from the world union had already reached a feverish stage. 

Ainsley's veins already popped on her forehead,, and she was this close to launch an attack on those people. 

However, reasons still prevailed, and Ainsley knew that she gathered these forces only to threaten the world union and made them choose the peace talk by themselves. 

This battle could not be started recklessly like when fighting other forces. 

Back then, whenever someone bullied the people from the Sloan family, Ainsley could easily bring her force to those families and level down their entire mansion within a day.