"Pseudo-ghost Race" 

Amidst the dumbfounded Axelle, the group moved fast and broke a hole in the prison, enough for Axelle to crawl out even when he didn't use any of his abilities. 

The elf was indeed stupefied, but that was only for a split second. 

The man who was about to become the king of the abyss demons immediately seized the opportunity to crawl out of prison as fast as he could, afraid that there would be some strange mechanism triggered after the prison broke down. 

Axelle's intuition was correct, because the whole prison cell suddenly lit up with a high-volt lightning arc, 'barbecuing' anyone who passed through the lightning mechanism. 

If not for the elf being fast enough to run out of the prison before the mechanism was triggered, he would have to wait for the Godfather to manipulate the lightning before he could escape.