"The Mimicry Domain's Destruction" 

No matter what happened inside the mimicry domain, Ainsley and the others had already safely returned to the main world and even reunited with the Godfather, but then, the man brought them bad news with a gloomy face. 

[That little elf created a domain on the spot and is now probably still inside his domain. I don't know what he wants to do, but since he doesn't want me to enter his domain, the great me suspects that he's planning to do something bad to himself.] 

The Godfather didn't beat around the bush and just reported the key news that Ainsley and the others had to know. 

The Godfather managed to rescue Axelle along with other rare races who had already left the headquarters during the chaos related to the mimicry domain, but Axelle himself disappeared into his domain for a long time.