"The New Era Is Coming"

[How can the world union be so bad? Is our human representative also involved in the forbidden experiment?] 

[I suspect some people also experiment on ordinary people like us, such as how to awaken ordinary people to be ability users.] 

[I heard there are awakening potions with a certain chance to awaken ordinary people to ability users. Could it be that the potions are from the world union?] 

[I checked the evidence of this scandal, and it's all true. There are many prisoners who run away from the secret labs, and all of them are miserable.] 

[They might be rare races that most people never even heard of in their lives, but they are also intelligent beings!] 

[I heard from an insider that the portal technology actually comes from a particular rare race somewhere in this world. It was said that the world union forced this race to be their experimental subject, and that's how they popularized the technology.]