"The Man On The Fox's Back" 

Bello and Cellino, who were usually arrogant and confident, had unknowingly turned into a ball of fur next to Ainsley's legs. 

Both of them trembled hard and didn't even dare to breathe loudly, as if they would die the next second if they were too noisy. 

No wonder Code-L had been at the top of the sacred beast's circle, yet she still had not turned into a legendary beast just yet. 

The cat did get enlightenment in the new century war, but even so, it has been six months since then, and there has been no news about Code-L's advancement. 

Now, Ainsley finally knew why it was so difficult for Code-L to advance to a legendary beast. 

This aura, this pressure...

The other party was in a spirit form, which should have weakened his strength by a lot, yet it was still so unbearable. 

Ainsley had seen and met domain masters, and had even seen domain masters with their domains opened.