“Encircling Ainsley” 

People would slowly become used to these annoying bites, and they would not notice that some of the insects might bring deadly disease. 

Ainsley's love virus worked like an invisible poison, slowly influencing the mind and heart of the fifty hunters. 

Seeing that the pink dots became bigger and bigger, Ainsley was totally sure that these fifty people had all fallen to her charm ability. 

There was too little chance for them to get rid of the charm ability. 

After the 'fishing net' was laid down, Ainsley was finally ready to reap these fishes who came to her door. 

She would be sorry if she didn't reap these big fishes! 

Ainsley was not a fool to appear in front of these hunters so deliberately. 

Not to mention that the fifty people were all scattered in various directions, wanting to completely surround the garden.