“Like A Fish On A Chopping Board"

Since it was impossible to escape…then, just faced them bravely.

Ainsley believed that the domain masters would do anything to capture her and the Godfather, so they would definitely expand the size of the domain to the entire island.

Maybe they would forcefully pull the beasts into the domain to fight, and they might also pull their colleagues at the headquarters.

Ainsley felt that they would be surrounded sooner or later.

And so, it was important for the Godfather to be enlightened quickly to create a domain!

Unfortunately, even up to now, the Godfather was still unable to inspire the power to create a domain that involved many laws of nature.

The Godfather was also frustrated, but he was not in great danger now, so he was not pushed to the limit to create a domain.

Maybe they had to wait until the situation was critical and it was a life-and-death moment...