“Transitional Era”

[These people are all that bastard's dog lickers. If they can come out of the domain alive, there might be endless troubles.]

One of the ten domain masters, a grumpy, short dwarf, looked at the crowd below him with cynical eyes.

Hmph. These people were too dangerous to be left behind. We have to kill them!

However, there was a rare opposition from one of the ten domain masters.

A gentle and calm female celestial shook her head and clasped her hands together, as if praying to God.

[Let's not be so radical. There are thousands of people here, scattered everywhere across the Forgotten Island. If we kill all of them without an official war, it's the same as a private slaughter, right?]

Even if most of these people were humans, there were also a few non-humans among them, and surprisingly, there was a young celestial girl among these thousands of people.

The female celestial race obviously spoke for this person in the crowd.