
The Dare

"So, what is my dare?"

They all look at me with mischievous grins before going into fits of laughter, the teacher's face remains in a serious expression. "You have to go freediving. No one with you. No help. Just you and your sister who will be filming it for proof. Got that?" The teacher said. I just look at them. That is my dare. Dangerous, yes. Fun, certainly. I nodded.

"Fine, I'll do your stupid dare." I pretend to moan while a smile spreads across my face as my brain takes in all the information excitedly, giving away the fact that I really want to do this.

"Wait. You're actually going to do it. Oh, you are brave. Wait you're not going to chicken out are you?" They ask me just to make sure. They all pretend to do clucking noises which just gets on my nerve.

"Of course not. A dare is a dare. This one is just really fun to do. Wait does Ashêanna have to be there. I like doing things by myself." I bravely replied.

"You are so going to chicken out. Otherwise you wouldn't have said that." They all laugh at me. "And anyway she is also there just in case something goes horribly wrong. Not that it will."

"Fine I will do it, but nothing afterwards. No more annoying or bothering me, You got that." They all nod in terror and fear before I go into my room and bring out my jotter and start drawing. Drawing soothes me. It is my only place to get away from the noise of the outside world. I can create a whole world in my drawings and stories.

I am so caught up in my own little world that I don't hear Ashêanna knock on my door or notice her when she comes in and sits down when I don't answer. "Atchaco." Ashêanna said, waking me up from my trance. "Please don't risk your life just to prove something. I know that you are brave. That should be all you need."

"Two things. One: you helped them come up with the dare." I say raising up my index finger.

"No, I didn't want them to do it. I thought the teacher was going to be against the idea not with it but that's life." Ashêanna defends.

"Second: you sound just like Joe from the Flash when Barry was going to fight Zoom."

"I guess I do a little bit but Atchaco you really shouldn't. I know that you are brave. Me believing you is all you need. This time there is a second option. Take it. Don't do what they want." She says indicating to outside of my door where no one is standing.

"Ashêanna, if I don't then what? Have everyone think of me as a wimp for the rest of my life. Don't think so." I shout at her.

"And so what if they do. It shouldn't affect you. They're jerks to make you do it, but if you really want to, I'm not going to stop you. It's your life. But please what will everyone else think about you. Mum. Lenzonia. Jimch. For their sake, don't do it. They wouldn't want you to. Please. Being thought of as a wimp is better than risking your life so you can be thought of as brave. You know that." She walks over to me and takes my hands. "Please don't do this." I look at her and smile before turning my head away.

"Nothing bad is going to happen. I know what I am doing. I've done it many times before. You needn't worry about me. Okay. Now come on." I say bringing my hands out to hug her, she smiles and starts to walk over to me but stops when she realises what I really meant.

"What now but it's late, how about after activities tomorrow?" I sigh at her before nodding. I just want to get it over and done with and I am too excited to sleep on something like that, most people are.

"Yeah, tomorrow then. No later, okay." I moan at her. She thinks about it for a moment before turning to me.

"Yeah." She smiles at me and walks back down stairs. I look out of my window. It is dark now and most of the birds have gone to sleep. I, myself, aren't actually tired but I guess I should get some sleep before tomorrow. It will be busy. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. Even though I wasn't sleepy I had no bother getting to sleep, and that worried me a little bit, it has never been that easy, but I let that thought slide with the darkness.

Tomorrow will be exciting.

Tomorrow will be dangerous.

Tomorrow will be fun.

Tomorrow will be adventurous.

Tomorrow will be epic.

Tomorrow will be cool.

Tomorrow will be pleasing.