"Yes, just tell me everything."
Jemina rubs her temple with her free hand before placing it on the bed. She shrugs her shoulders while shaking her head slightly side to side. She looks at me with worry and then takes a deep breath before exhaling. "I don't know where to even start." She said, sighing. Her hands fidgeting showing that she really was uncomfortable with the subject at hand.
"Then start at the beginning. Like how you found out what happened to me." I said shrugging my shoulders, cracking the joints and releasing the pain.
"Okay then." Jemina says before relaxing her posture before she began the probably long story. "I was in my bedroom doing my banking when I got a phone call. It was from your sister. In the background I had heard rooters spinning which I later found out was from a helicopter that you were in. I asked what was wrong and why she was using your phone, not you. She said that you had been in an accident. She said that you were climbing up a cliff face after going free diving as a dare. She said that you were climbing up the cliff when your hand slipped, and you fell backwards and into the ocean but never came back up for air."
"For I had fallen unconscious by that point from hitting my head."
"Yes, I told her to phone help, but she said she already had and that was what the noise was. She said that you were getting flown to the emergency trauma centre. You needed an emergency operation as you had already lost too much blood from a head wound and slices in your leg. Not that we know how you got the injuries on your legs."
"A fish of some sort. Like a shark or something not that it would have been deep enough. But I don't know how far out I could have been."
"Yeah, you're probably right about that. Well anyway after they had stabilized you, they brought you to this hospital to be closer to home. But then you started having problems with breathing and basic needs like digestion. So, they booked you for an MRI and they found the problem. One they hadn't noticed before. Something had got inside your head and had started to grow. Pressing on your brain. They managed to take it out but when they tested your sight it was gone. Your eyes weren't responding. For a moment they had thought that you were brain dead, but your arms responded to touch. The nerves were fine, and your brain was receiving signals. They didn't know what was wrong."
"I can see now. So, what had happened."
"Well. They did find out what was wrong but it was too late. The part of your brain that controlled sight and movement was badly damaged. Control to your eyes was lost. But we wanted you to see, we knew you wanted to see. They said they had this experimental procedure that they could use, one that was free. What they would do is place a chip inside your head that would do the job of whatever you brain had lost the ability to do."
"A neutral link processor chip. The same Cyborg uses it to control his body, which I have always laughed at since his weakness is a neutral pulse.. His is just twined with his power core, a motherbox, while mine just uses my natural energy to fuel it."
"Yes. You would certainly know more about the cybernetics and the chips than I would. I mean you have said yourself that you can put George Pérez and Marv Wolfman to shame when it comes to that type of knowledge."
"Cybernetics? Links? Why have you made them plural?" I asked, generally confused yet amazed, shocked and happy at the same time.
"Well… hmm… both of your eyes had to be replaced with cybernetic lenses as the chip we gave you wasn't entirely compatible with organics. Normally they would only have to replace the one eye, but you had to have the two. Now please do not freak out but your legs, they are gone. We tried our best to save them, but all nerves had been severed, there was nothing we could do."
"And a chip had to be put in to make the legs compatible with the rest of the body and more importantly the brain."
"Yes. You really do know it better than me. All of us actually. Your digestive system, heart and both lungs were affected by the brain being temporally dead. Meaning they all have got robotic apparatuses to help with each of these functions. Now please don't freak out but this does mean that you are more machine."
"Freak out! Why would I."
"Well the doctor said that some people with the choice in your position wouldn't take it because they wouldn't want to be more machine. They words were 'I would rather be paralyzed and blind than be more machine.'"
"But I am not like those people. My dream was always to become like Cyborg. This is a dream come true for me."
"That it would be. Forget I said anything about you not wanting to be like this."
"You're forgiven. Don't worry. But what about you guys or my school."
"I don't understand what you are trying to say. Can you please explain it?"
"You guys aren't freaked out, worried or scared."
"No. We're not freaked out worried or scared."
"And the school isn't scared either?"
"The school doesn't actually know about what had to happen. We didn't think it would be appropriate to tell them about it. But please don't be angry with us for that."
"What made you think that you wouldn't have to tell them. You do know what I can do, right."
"Yes, we do. Just like who you've always wanted to be. We know your powers. We know what you are capable of."
"So, I ask again. What made you think that you wouldn't have to tell them?"
"Now that you say that it would be correct. Just not yet. You still need to heal. Get used to everything. Understand."
"I know, but they will have to know otherwise the whole school could be in danger of getting killed and who knows how many others."
"Of course, but for now you need to rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us all."
"Yeah sure."
Before the turned to leave I spoke up, I had one more question that had been on my mind since I woke up just over an hour ago. "How did you sort the compatibility and strength that my muscle disorder would make it face." Jemina smiled and then chuckled, pleasingly happy with herself. The other's by this point had left the room.
"After the operations you had no muscle that did not have some sort of help from cybernetics therefore canceling out the disorder." I looked shocked. "Therefore it is gone."
3 weeks later
I have gotten used to my powers and everything I can do. My mother phoned the school yesterday and told them everything. I'm going back next week. I just haven't told mum or anyone yet. Who I truly am. They just would be afraid if I told them. They can't know who I really am. Not yet and maybe not ever.
I sit on my bed. My room for a long time in ages is actually tidy – chances are because I don't have to use it as much. My room is also bigger now due to the fact I had to move rooms as my height would have been a problem in my old room.
One week later
I get up later than everyone else now. My mother came into my room to give me my breakfast before leaving again. Only me and mum are allowed breakfast in bed as everyone else has no reason for having to do it. I ate my breakfast while staring out of the window. I see Ashêanna running outside with her school bag hanging over her shoulder on one strap. The other one left to hang loosely by her side.
I hear the door of my bedroom open, but I keep looking out of my window at Ashêanna. So happy. Not a care in the world. She knows. She did from the start. Before the accident in fact. I used to write stories about my dream self – the person I am now. Then I would read them to her. She's not scared because she knows I will always look out for her.
"Atchaco, come on we need to get to school now." Jemina's voice woke me from my trance but didn't break my gaze.
"Mother." I said, seriously. "I need to tell you something. Something I should have already said."
"And you didn't because?"
"Because I thought if I told you then you would be scared but looking at Ashêanna shows me that you won't be."
"Well what is it?"
"I haven't been truly honest with who I am now. What I can do and who I am to everyone else. Do you know who I am?"
"Is that a trick question? Of course, we all do."
"Yes, but do you know who I really am?" I say as I pick up my toy that was on my chair. I stroke its hair. Doesn't feel the same as it used too. Just like me.
"Well no."
I turn around to face my mother placing the doll back down, neatly. "It means they are welcoming the goddess of the multiverse into their school, for I am Lady Macanese."