phase-001 (part 3 end of phase-001)

the forest of darkness, in its self, is an almost unlimited pool of mana that seeps through the ground and into everything, plants, animals, bugs, ext. but in animals, it can alter their powers, apparent, and body mutations, which we call monsters or magical beasts.

random person "rumor has it that so wired things happen in that forest expressly the deeper you go"

person 2 "I've heard someone say that there's weird noise near the forest at night like laughter, howling, and other weird things"

the forest is well known all over the kingdom of Alta for having the highest output of mana that almost anything can happen in there.

A-Ash-Asher wake up, Su "Asher wakes up it's time to get going." Asher opens his eye to the site of trees and the grayish-blue sky Su "we need to find some food and water soon"

Asher "mmmm understood, we'll keep moving to the center but look for food and water on the way" Ben, "I got bite last night (sigh)" Angela' "you got bite pretty there Ben hehe" Asher "is everyone ok?"

Su "check" Ben "yup" Angela "yeah" Asma "yes" Chichi "of course"

Asher "ok then let's move"

the group goes a mile in and comes upon a stream running with fresh clean water. everyone except Asher takes a good refreshing drink from the stream Chichi "slurrrp, aren't you thirsty Asher?" Asher "no I'm fine for now, but do any of you know how to hunt, maybe?"

Ben "yes I can hunt but only small animals, why?"

Asher "what about a deer?"

Ben "I can do that why"

Asher "look over there"

Ben "Oh I see I'll sneak up behind it then you scare it towards me when I give you the signal, ok?"

Asher "ok"

Ben then quietly sneaks around the deer for an ambush across from asher. then raises his hand for the signal.

Asher "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh"

the deer is startled and starts to gallop away from Asher in fear, Ben then jumps out of some bushes and tackles the deer, then Beats it with a rock. Asma "whyy-why would you do that"

Asher "We need to eat don't we?" Asma "yes. but why this, I think I'm gonna throw up" Asma goes back to the stream, Su followed to make sure she's alright.

Ben "do you think this enough meet for all of us?" Asher "it looks like it is, lets get a fire started and cook some meat for now and keep the rest for later." Ben "sounds good" Chichi "at least we can eat something" Su "indeed" Asher "is Asma alright" Su "yeah she's fine but she needs a minute" Asher "ok we'll get some food ready while Ben cleans himself at the stream." Su "ok" Ben "fine" Asher then finds a Sharp stone and skins the deer carcass and then starts a fire with some sticks nearby, Then proceeds to cock the meat on some extra sticks.

after an hour past 5 p.m, of cooking and eating everyone in the group is satisfied. Asher "ok we need to get moving again before dark." everyone but Ben"ok ready" Ben "just one more minute I'm almost ready" Asher "fine five more minutes then we move, ok?" Ben "yes sure".

after 2 hours of walking Asher decides to set up camp for the night, Su "c-captain I'll take first watch tonight since I had the last watch last night" Asher "no you need your sleep so it's fine, get some rest" Su "are you sure" Asher "of course, you all mean more to me than my self." Su "ok then good nigh then" Asher "good night.------" the long night begins until day brake asher stares up at the stares still trying to remember.

day 2 ends and that leaves 5 days left for evac.

(darkness- an everlasting shade that can't be outcasted by light, like true despair. but right now you need to wake up Asher, w-w-wake up, WAKE UP.)


Asher wakes up from the scram fully awake he looks around and sees Chichi, Su, and Asma shacking in terror from something he turns around to see Angela tiring up and putting up her fists to fight, he looks passed Angela and sees Ben Being torn by a Wolfbar(a type of beast that's slightly larger than a normal wolf but can use basic reinforcement magic) Ben "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA GET OFF OF ME" the wolfbar then proceeds to sink its fangs into Ben's neck leaving a lifeless corpse, Angela frustrated, scared, and hatred tuck her over in a moment she charges at the wolfbar with all her might, Asher "ANGELA STOP!!" but it was in vain right as Asher tried to stop her she was to far gone for him to reach her, the best pins Angela to the ground she fought with everything but in the end, the overwhelming force of the creature was too much for them to handle. with that, the life of Angela slowly escapes her body. (What good am I, I promised to protect then with my life but I just such here watching iam pathetic iam not fit to be the leader---- what there's still more of us) Asher thought as shock and fear paralyze him from moving Asher "SU, CHICHI, ASMA RUN GO TO THE EVAC POINT" Su "but what a-a-about y-y-youuu" Asher "I'll distract it for you three to escape-----GOOOO" Su unfreezes and grabs Chichi, and Asma and run for their lives with the map and compose. the Wolfbar spots them and tries to take chase but Asher stops it from going after them by whacking it with a stick, then the best grabs Asher and Chomps down into Asher. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA if I can At Lest SAVE ThEm tHen I CaN DIE wiTH No ReGrETs" After a few minutes of flailing Ashers corpses the best leasts go and then stares feasting on the three corpses.... Asher (I'm anger at my self for not doing my job,...I gave them my word that I would protect them b-but I failed, sigh)

2 days have passed since the encounter but Asher's rigid corpse looks like nothing happened to it.

?????(This forest is full of mysteries and unknown powers but something like you is different you don't want to die, yet even with this much anger and self-pity isn't enough for you but I will help you because you're special.) Asher (what are you even saying I can't understand you) ????? (I the ^#^#@% grant you this power, called @^$#!^%&*$ &$^$#@@*^$ one day you will understand.) Asher (....)

Su, Chichi, and Asma made it to the evac 1 day ago, there are 2 days left for survivors

Chichi "I hope Asher is ok." Su "sigh I don't think he made it sorry Chichi" Chichi

''I know it's not likely but I have a feeling"

solider "Welcome, you've made it to the evac point, good job."

Asma "l-l-look girls ii-it's Asher." Su "what?" Chichi "really ware?" Asma "at the gate entrance"

Chichi and Su look at the entrance and see Asher with torn clothes but perfectly fine.

Su, and Chichi "ASHER YOUR ALIVE" as they both run towards him at full speed and crash into him, AAAA Su "are you Ok?" Asher "yes" Chichi "how did you beat the best?" Asher "I didn't" all three girls "then how did you survive?" Asher "I don't know, I can't remember" Su "well then I guess it can't be helped, iam just glad you're safe now" Chichi "yup yup" Asher randomly gets closer to Su's face, Asher "Su your eyes there----pretty" Su lights up like a tomato, Chichi and Asma (OOOoooo) Su "----anyway I'm glad your ok,---but the other two didn't make it did they?" Asher "no."

{only 27 out of 60 kids made it to evac in time and with that phase-001 has ended.}

on base

scientist "wait wait wait that can't be right"

Dr. "what happen?"

Scientist "one of the children died a couple of days ago anndd---"

Dr, "anndd? what?"

Scientist "it now says he's alive sir."

Dr. which child?

Scientist "Asher Eastwood sir."

Dr. "note that down for later inspection."

scientist "vary well sir."