What A Marvelous Start

So dying was not a fun experience, mind you it wasn't that bad either, as sitting in the void was the most boring thing i have ever been forced to do. Now i say that so you understand just how happy i was when a handsome devil just popped into existence in front of me. No warning, no hello, not even a nod he just starts talking about how i died and had been selected to participate in a once in a unlife event. To say I was suspicious was an understatement. I mean this guy just pops in here and offers me a way out . . . it didn't help that he was a literal Devil at least he looked like one, not the ten foot horror of hell version but the i just walked out of a smutty romance novel kind.

"So we will be sending you to MCU, yes the Marvel CINEMATIC Universe, with some extras thrown in, nothing like a merger of worlds more akin to your species games dlc rather than an expansion pack or sequel. Sound good . . . Great!!! Cause you don't really get a choice." said the Handsome Devil.

"Then do i ge--" I started to ask before getting cut off.

"Nope! No wishes, no getting superpowers, no golden fingers and no cheats. What you get is this." he said before motioning to his side where a table shimmered into reality. Sitting on the table was a fantasy looking backpack, by that i mean it looks exactly like what you would imagine a backpack from a fantasy world from with a tan leather making the bulk of it and the accents and straps being a bright brown with blue spherical gems embedded in the embossed leather accents there was even a place for a potion and from what i could gleam of the bottle sitting in its slot glowing slightly the same color as the red liquid sitting inside the ornate flask.

Looking at this masterpiece of both leatherworking and Gemwork (and possibly blacksmithing going by the very ornate gold key weaved into the leather) I tried to not be disappointed but my next words made it obvious I was. "This is all I have and you're sending me to a MARVEL UNIVERSE!"

Smiling a bit sarcastically the devil said. "Yes this is all the measly me prepared for the great mortal you."

As he finished talking he flourished his hand in a mysterious way and the next second there was a purplish pulsing fireball floating above his hand.

"What are you doi-" I was once again cut off but not by his voice but by my own screams as he had hurled the ball of purple fire at me and I could feel it burning into my very soul.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<< In the Void >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Once the mortal had burned up leaving only his soul compressed into a small pill sized orb the devil grabbed it before summoning a portal to the MCU and flicking it through.

"The things I do for my women . . . *sigh* oh well what is done is done, now her son can have some fun before it's time for him to ascend." The Handsome Devil said into the emptiness as he faded from the void.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Somewhere On Earth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Taking a sharp breath I struggled to breath for a moment before my body seemed to calm. Once I had settled down I looked around and saw I was in the middle of what looked like a forest like area. Looking around I knew a lot of walking would be needed to get to civilization. Taking stock of what I had I noticed I was not wearing anything except the bag, of which felt full. I pulled the bag off of my back before trying to unlatch the bag, I say tried because once I touched the openings flap two cracks appeared in the leather and two bright yellow eyes with black sclera were staring at me. The two latches undid themselves and the bags opening now looked almost mouth like, then the straps with latches proceeded to gesture to me and then the bag started to talk to me like this was a normal thing.

"Hello there, my name is Klatch and my title is The Sentient Bag of Holding, it's a pleasure to meet you Master. I will work hard to serve your needs to the best of my abilities. It seems you are in a state of undress, let's remedy this!" Said Klatch, my new sentient bag before spitting out of its mouth some clothes suited for a fantasy settings swashbuckler/bard into its hands?? Paws? No straps are the only thing that make any sense.

Taking the clothes I put them on after all, never look a bag in the mouth(or was it horse . . i may be going slightly insane). The clothes seemed to fit perfectly to my body. . . my body that is looking very different.

It seems I got the new body package as my body seems to be very fit, I'm not ripped or anything, and lean with no body marks except a birthmark over my heart that looks very similar to an icosahedron(aka 20 sided dice). My hair, a bright platinum blonde, seems to be a viking cut with half just hanging down and the other side being braided.

"Well atleast i look somewhat good." I said aloud.

"Indeed you are quite dashing Master." Replied my new friend Klatch.

Looking at my new buddy I said. "Right, you talk. Well come on let's get going and try to find a city." Then i started to walk before stopping almost immediately afterwards due to realising that i had nothing, no money, no id, and no one who could possibly believe i just popped into existence(at least no one that i would want to know right now).

Pulling Klatch off my back and looking at him I figured if anyone would know what to do it would be the sentient talking magic bag so i said. "Klatch, you wouldn't happen to know a way of getting some money would you?"

Klatch responded almost immediately. "Of course master i suggest learning either the Wizard Class or Cleric Class as both have ways of making money such as Transmutation or Forge subclasses with their classes being Wizard as the former and Cleric the latter."

"..." What the fuck is he talking about??? "How exactly am I supposed to learn these. . ." I say.

"Well Master I possess multiple class tomes as well as quite a few scrolls and profession tomes that you could absorb and learn!" Klatch casually says as if talking about the weather.

"So . . . You're saying you've got magic books that will allow me to . . instantly learn said classes?" I said in a voice close to a whisper.

Klatch, seemingly confused, replied. "Yes Master I do, would you like one now?"

"Yes . . yes i would Klatch and thank you." I said. I was genuinely happy to have such a kind and considerate friend/storage device.

"Which one would you like, Master, there are sixteen different class books?" Said Klatch with a hint of happiness and excitement in his raspy leatherbound voice.

Which indeed I sat down on the grass and started to plan this as I would only get the one choice. . . at least for now.