I took the first step on the old and fragile staircase and then listened to Benjamin closing the door behind me.

After twenty or more steps we reach the ship's basement. A place as wide as the deck and as well lit as the game room but with a unique uniqueness, the absurd amount of hay, grass, cereal sacks and some sheep trapped in small dark wood enclosures.

- We arrived... - Benjamin said assessing the place while looking for a good hiding place.

- Will you stay here with me? - I asked feeling a slight touch of fear in my chest.

- Maybe not... someone might miss me and start looking for me. They will try to find me because I represent the image of someone important and fear that something will happen if I disappear but if you disappear no one will care...

- Yes! Yes! I understand...

- And before you ask me, not all merchants are bad... some are extremely peaceful and are just ordinary mornezes trying to make some money selling their goat's milk... already the pornes merchants. As I told you.... they are more aggressive and can be as dangerous as a pirate!

- That's why Cael doesn't think they pose any danger...

- Yes! Most caste people of higher castes do not know the difference... they are only tourists on the high seas thinking that our laws in the continent works in the ocean...

- I hope they don't find me here...

- They won't! Look at those bags of rice! – Benjamin pointed to a pile of straw baskets filled with rice.

- Are you sure this is going to work?

- Absolutely! We just need to get the rice out of these baskets and hide you inside them! Unless one of the crew helps them none of the merchants will know the difference between a basket full of rice and a basket with someone inside.

I agreed with that idea almost instantaneously, it seemed to be and was the perfect plan to get rid of the imminent danger.

We walked towards the baskets and began to remove the grains one of the baskets to then deposit the newly removed grains in a transparent plastic bag that was near the rice baskets that were being handled by me and Benjamin.

A few minutes later the basket that was once overflowing rice grain was half full.

- I think you'll fit in this basket... - Benjamin reflected with his eyes fixed on me- You're small enough to hide in the middle of all this rice. I help you get up!

Benjamin got me up in his lap and put me in the basket.

The rice that still existed inside the large containers was dusty due to the fine white powder that at best was the starch released by the rice flakes that would still be cooked.

Benjamin handed me a lid and then the basket was sealed.

- I'm going up now to avoid suspicion... when things normalize I'll come back here and help you get out.

- Okay. - I replied as I settled into my new hiding place at the same time that I observed the silhouette of Benjamin moving away and returning to the stairs.

Suddenly a loud bang exploded outside the depot and soon after the ship began to turn and all the things that were around us started to move.

- I think we've been invaded! - Be silent Kris! - Benjamin asked.

- All right!

I did as Ben had instructed me and was silent only listening to the footsteps of Benjamin walking through the warehouse.

After a brief silence the ship stabilized and suddenly some slow and heavy steps echoed down the stairs.

My heart started beating harder and harder with every step I heard on the stairs.

- Are you sure that there is a pallaki here? - A sleepy and slow male voice from the ladder echoed.

- I am absolutely sure! - It was Arthur answering the question of the gentleman who was walking down the stairs with him- one of my men overheard her talking with of the Iudexes something about the deposits! We have two other deposits and we can look in others but I feel that she is here...

- You know that if we don't find it it will be a great loss for our captain and the captain can't handle very well with damage ... if you know what I mean...

- I understand perfectly... - Arthur's answer was now clearer and louder was as if they were speaking at a relatively short distance from where Benjamin and I were hiding.

- That's good... I'd hate to see your dear boss have his skull crushed by a gunshot... you know... a merely accidental gunshot... - The acidity that the unknown man used to pronounce those words made my whole stomach to turn.

More steps echoed from the ladder and grew and became taller until they stopped.

- We arrive! Show me where they are! - Ordered the man already inside the warehouse.

- Yes, my lord!

- I'll wait right here... my gun is too heavy so I have to carry her through this moldy deposit.

- I understand, my lord.

- You? - The man then began to laugh. The laughter was heavy and dry as if the habit of smoking had aged her vocal cords - With these woman's arms If you tried to shoot with a cannon you would fly along with the bullet! Stop chatting and start looking for my new merchandise before I lose my patience!

Arthur began to walk among the objects and food thrown by the warehouse.

With every step or shadow of silhouette that passed in my field of vision my heart throbbed faster. That hollow, dry sound from the soles of his boots sounded like gunshots to my ears.

Secretly in my heart I prayed that through of some miracle all that went by and I managed to get safely to Nekrós.

- Sir Benjamin... - Arthur greeted without any surprise.

- Arthur... and sir... sorry we haven't been introduced.

- Everyone calls me Fire!

- Beautiful weapon...

- And a technological rifle... gift from a friend who lives in the east... she shoots very well!

- Awesome!

Suddenly the dry roar of a mighty shot roared within the deposit so then I didn't hear more of Benjamin's voice.

No.... everything but that!

- As I said... an impressive weapon!

I breathed a deep sigh of relief as I heared Benjamin's voice praising Fire's weapon.

- I love to explode skulls with her... I call her skull-crushing!

- By the size of the hole she opened in the wall I think she not only smashes skulls she chops off whole heads...

- Absolutely... but skull- crushing still It's a fairer name. We are looking for a pallaki. Her master offered us in exchange for releasing the ship. One of our spies saw her accompanied him in the Muddy Port... he even offered a rose but her master didn't accept... a terrible sin... all women like roses.

- And he refused the rose?

- That's what my spy told me... that's why we followed you! If her captain doesn't know how to take care of a pallaki maybe you'd better make a good deal with her... the whole crew's life in exchange for the life of a pallaki...

- Well... I didn't see any pallaki belonging to him! At least not until before you invaded the ship... she must be in her room or in the captain's cabin.

- Interesting... did you find anything, Arthur?

- I heard a sigh coming from the direction of the baskets.

Arthur's voice was now closer and closer to where I was hiding. Every step he took meant an extra beat on my chest.

I tried to calm my breath and to breathe as quietly as possible so that at least during the seconds that Arthur would spend near me he would not be able to hear me.

- Maybe that sigh was from the goats that are near the... - Benjamin suggested it with a little insecurity in his voice.

- I know a sigh from an animal... and it looked a lot like a human.

More footsteps resounded near me

- Iudex Benjamin... - Fire sneered- An intelligent man like you knows that animals don't sigh... is trying to mock me?

- Of course not... but I spent most of my childhood on my family's farms and as I always spent a lot of time in the stables and breeding grounds from my father I saw the animals sighing when they were.

- Enough! Everything has a limit your shit! - Fire interrupted harshly Benjami speech.

- I found nothing... maybe she is in the other deposit... - Arthur announced with great disappointment in your voice.

- So... let's go to this other deposit! I just don't want to waste any more time on this ship... my captain needs to arrive early at the pornes auction.... He thinks this pallaki will guarantee good money for him...

- Yes, sir!

I heard Arthur walk away from where I was. I thought of breathing a sigh of relief but soon I remembered Arthur's ears that could hear me and drag me away.

They were about to leave the depot when something made them stop abruptly.

- And you handsome? Benjamin... isn't that your name? Are you looking too hard at that basket of rice... did you happen to keep something special inside it?

- No... I was wondering if that amount of rice would be enough for this trip...

- Arthur! Open the basket! Better check where my new merchandise might be.

- Yes, my lord!