We circulate the luxurious big burning sapphire while I pronounced the ancients oaths. The same oath what all pallakis did before me and will do after today.

- The ritual is complete! Now the master will meet his pallaki!

The song become a solemn breath, our hands were intertwined, the skin of his hand were warm and calloused.

- Our car is waiting us... - Cael's voice was velvety and had sweetness' touch- If you are not ready for this part of the ritual I can wait.

- I'm ready master Cael, let's... Let's compete the ritual.

Cael agreed to me and we get away the lounge by a monumental onyx gate that was a mark of the entrance to the external area of that castle.

We crossed the gate fast, the snow was falling and the thin white layer on the ground was thickest.

The sunset was coloring the sky with orange, pink, red and dark blue. Honestly... it was the most beautiful day that I had seen in my hole life.

A carriage was waiting us, the little silver glove was fancy. A large amount of rubies and diamonds decorated the edges of the door.

Cael with a unexplained courtesy helped me to come in that old silver orb. With a sudden movement the horses started to run in direction of Cael's house.

- I meet your father... He is a man of honor!

- That's good... Did you know my mom?

- No... I'm sorry...

Man of honor...If he would know him like I did... He wouldn't have said that.

Yes, my father is the best Iudex in Mor but how he treated my mother and I when I was kid would change his concept.

I could tell him everything but this won't change nothing, my father is a part of my past that I needed forget.

- Yes... - I answered expressing a sweet smile - But who about you...? Where is your house?

- Well Kristma...I have two houses and my harem. Tonight you'll spend the night at the main house... there's where my first lady, some pallakis and I live. If you want you can live there too... Kristma... I don't want make you to live at my harem if you don't want it.

- Thank you Master Cael.

- Please... You can call me Cael... You don't need use such formality...

The sweetness and sincerity of his words made me to raise my eyes. He was looking at me. He was not a bad guy and his smile and eyes confirmed this.

- Okay... Cael. So, you can call me kris.

- You have a beautiful nickname kris!

- Thank you Cael... You have a beautiful name...

We smile at each other. Maybe this union and this ritual wouldn't be so bad like I thought... This Iudex doesn't seem like the others Iudexes in Mor, but as I thought, he didn't seem like the other Iudexes...

- Well... How I was saying... I live in the main house with my first lady and I have the guests house ... Where my closest friends spend their time and I throw my particular parties... er... Kris... You and my other pallakis can't go to this house without my permission! Just my first lady can do this!

- Okay...

- It's for your protection...

- I understand.

- Kris... Can I ask you a question?

- Yes... Why not?

- Do you still wanna consummate our union?

- Yes! It's necessary.

I answered that question with a hint of afraid as much as he was trying to make me feel comfortable in that situation. He could accuse me of being insoumese or of to refuse the ritual.


My body felt the carriage stopping, I looked through the window and my eyes saw the most beautiful and fancy house that I could imagine.

The main house looked like a palace, the facade had countless windows where the blue and the gold light of the sunset falling over the sky were reflecting gently.

The gardens and mountains, all frozen because of winter, sketched the forms of summer that roamed the forest the day morning in a lost past, some sculptures, trees and the grass labyrinth were covered with snow surrounded us while the carriage passed along the property.

The door of our small metal monster opened and a man of medium height, big-boned and oily face was waiting for us.

He led us among the gold-plated sculptures, fancy rooms soaked in crimson and ivory and brilliant stairs to the great room... the room where Cael sleeps and have fun sometimes.

Unlike for the rest of the house the white it was the only color existing there.

The crackling fireplace it was a big contrast to that room surrounding white.

Cael gathered me up in his arms and walked across to the bed.

The small points of light around the room connected to the orange of the sunset created an aura of flavored summer and warm nights.

I got caught up in that warm atmosphere and slowly I undressed me for him, my dress was on the cold ground. In a single movement, Cael took off his clothes, his muscles were exuberant, his skin was hot and smelled like honey and lemons. His eyes on my body, my neck, my breasts... He desired every part of me.

Every touch of his lips gave me goosebumps and the measure his lips ran on my neck, my bosoms...

His phallus was awakened under his pants.

Between whispers and warmth of his fingers the darkness of twilight took over the room.

The Cael's mouth was hungry for me, for the meeting between our bodies

Suddenly he kissed me, his kiss was intense, desperate and deep.

My hands in his hair, his hands in my body and his tongue caressed mine it was everything that I had in that moment. A moan of love came out of my mouth his pleasure member got into me.

It was the first time that I felt that sensation, that enjoyment, that pleasure arising out that excitement and atmosphere so good, wet and warm.

He came in and out of me very vigorously leaving me in state of pure ecstasy while he whispered my name between moans of pleasure.

I had no idea how many times Cael made me reach the apex of my orgasmic making me fall apart within myself.

The hours and the night spent like a blink of eyes and the morning sun shone on the horizon.

The bed and the room were a mess, my clothes were on the ground and Cael was gone when I opened my eyes.

I arrived in my room. The windows were open but Sasha had not yet arrived. The breeze of dawn was kissing the curtains that danced inside my room although the surrounding scenery was inviting I was too exhausted to admire the snowflakes that populated the vast garden before my eyes.

I dumped my body on the bed padded by the soft pillows that looked like delicate white clouds.

I closed my eyes for thirty minutes before I was awakened by Sasha's hurried footsteps and her soft voice calling me.

- Miss Kristima?

- Good… good morning Sasha.

The sunlight was already intense in my room. It was as if instead of having slept thirty minutes I had fainted for hours and hours.

- Miss Kristma… It's time to wake up! I've prepared your bath. The breakfast with the emperor will begin soon. It is important that you go with the right clothes maybe the emperor will choose you and then you can change your caste and become an Imperial pallaki.

- I don't think so…

Suddenly the memories of the night before hit me like a punch in the stomach. The magic, Eleanor's bruises, the tears and the dread of the only pallaki chosen to stay with Aurelius.

- Why?

- I. I like this house… - I finally got to say after catching my breath. The same breath that I had been lost with the impact of memories on the walls of my mind.

- If I were in your caste I'd try…

- Sometimes I think being a sklavoi is better than being an Imperial pallaki…

- Are you sure about what you're saying my lady?

Sasha stared at me with disbelief, my words made no sense to her reality.

The sklavois who from very early to death live among the corridors of the houses of the great lords of Mor. Often they don't understand that being a slave doesn't just mean washing toilets and sewing clothes. Some slaves not only wash the bathrooms but wash the ego of old and rich men with their bodies and their lips.

- Okay my lady… lets to your bath?

- Yes Sasha…

In minutes my bath was started. Sasha who was confused because my words helped me during my bath and also with my clothes for in that occasion I must be perfect in according to the measurements and the stereotypes that she had. My body was ornamented with a celestial blue flowing dress. The skirts of my dress were all tied to a rustic dark leather belt.

I stood in front of the mirror in my room and I watched that work of art, the waves in my hair caught in crystal flowers matched the delicacy of the neckline that revealed little of the exposed skin of my breasts.

My image reflected in the mirror invoked the summer air in contrast that cold winds outside the castle walls.

I was already ready and the only option that I had it was arrive at the right time for the breakfast. I wandered the halls. I slowly dragged my feet on the polished floor, feeling the waves of my hair caressing on my back.

My mind was still cloudy when I arrived at the dining room table that morning. Phelps by the tiredness or the sleepness that were drunking my senses I didn't realize the lack of Liliane and as Ilyada was working out some important issues, I wasn't too frightened by the lack of her.

- Good morning kris… how was the party last night? - The irony and irritation of Susan's words ignited all my senses of alertness and danger. Ilyada and Liliane were not there to help me, that was a battle that I would fight by myself.

I decided to fight in silence. Ignoring her attacks is almost as cruel as torture. The silence suggests indifference, the indifference suggests the superiority that in turn suggests the insignificance of the words of my aggressor that in this case wanted to humiliate me.

- I talked to you your manhole pornes! - Suzan replied while she was feeling my cold silence.

I ignored her once more and drank coffee that was in my white porcelain cup.

- Are you feeling like the next First Lady just because Master Cael misses you? I'm sorry girl… you are nothing else but a distraction when you stop being a novelty he'll forget you as fast as he found you!

Self-control. I needed to maintain my self-control. I took another sip of coffee, I put the cup on the table and fixed my eyes on Suzan. Her skin that was once white as Ivory now had been replaced by a shade of red the same red characteristic of the furious and wild people.