I got it!

My hope lasted only five seconds and soon after that short time reality woke me again. Cael entered more irritated than before and came marching towards me. A film went through my head. The night before, Eleonor, her cuts, her tears, the flaunted ... it all came back in form of an indictment.

- Kristma, get up! You'll have breakfast after... - Cael shouted towards me.

- Yes my lord…

I lifted my body from the chair while all pallakis looked at me. Cael was impatient and with a sudden movement he held my arm with too much force dragging me toward the exit door of the dining hall.

The doors closed behind us and we rushed down the long hall with practically gleaming marbles were scattered in all directions.

- I changed my mind about our trip to Nekrós... We're going right now! I'm not hungry and if you want I can stop to buy something for you on the way.

- All right... I'm not hungry...

I lied shamelessly to Cael guided by the survival instinct that made me retreat and shrink my body in the face of the explosion of fury that condensed into drops of sweat that ran through Cael's body.

He looked like a beast ready to devour anyone who crossed his path. It was as if the possible escape of Ilyada with Eleonor and Liliane had awakened a revolt monster who's always been asleep in the back of his mind.

With each step we took against the white and black marble the knuckles of the angry version of Cael closed even more around my thin and delicate arm.

I felt all that strength and emotional uncontrolled in my skin, in every purple mark that was forming in me.

Many hypothetical assumptions floating in my mind.

That guy could not be the Cael with whom I danced for hours last night, that was not the kind and smiling man that I met.

Was it this side of Cael that Liliane knew and it was because of this temperament that Ilyada decided to escape by dragging Liliane and the traumatized Eleonor with her to free her from the Emperor?

Finally, the last big pair of doors opened. I passed through the golden portal stumbling and pulling towards the carriage covered in matte leather aged by the wind and rain that were waiting for us amid the snow and ice that framed of the garden.

We fought violently against the drizzle and the cold wind that shivered my skin until we reached the door of the carriage.