black corridor

- Cael… - I tried to explain.

- It wasn't my fault that stupid and the other two pigs ran away! That's why I lost control! You must use those meaningless answers with them and not with me!

- Cael I'm not.

- You're! – He burst out - Your eyes, your posture, the tone of your voice... everything about you is accusing me of something that wasn't my fault!

- But.

- You know what?

- I'm not!

- Shut up! I'll do the talking!

My eyes looked at him unbelieving. I had at least no right to defense. That man was blaming me, blaming Ilyada and everyone around him to hide the real monster, the real wrong of all these events. Himself!

It was him, it's him, and maybe he'll always remain the driving force behind all this. Such people end up getting trapped in an infinite looping of guilt and pride that in the end is almost as lethal as drinking the poison from the fangs of a cobra in the hope that it heals and its diseased soul.

- You won't eat anything today... since you'd rather interrupt me and then ignore me I think it would be more appropriate for you and your attitudes to be hungry and the rest of the day.

- Okay…

He ignored my politeness and and said some dirty name before turning his eyes to the window ignoring completely my existence.

My mind was confused with the last night memories, flavors and the sensations that was stoked on me.

- Good morning Kristma! - Welcomed a tall and elegant woman.

She was beautiful like the fall. Her body was slender and delicate, her face was strong and sophisticated.