New Boy in town

Hailey's P.O.V.

I kept my head down, eyes on the ground as I walked into school. I knew people would be talking and laughing at me. I never wanted to show them that they were getting to me. You see, I never really fitted in, but people left me alone. Maybe a remark here and there. The only reason they left me alone was because of who my boyfriend was, that being Joshua. He was not a jock or anything like that. He seemed to fit in everywhere he went. He was popular in school, which made me wonder why he was ever interested in me when he could have any girl he wanted. He was a good-looking guy. Your typical blonde hair and blue eyes with a smile to die for and a body to match. I found the answer to that question out a couple days ago. He was only after one thing. My virginity

There was barely a single virgin in my year or the year below me. It was like a trend in this school to have sex. Everyone competing to see who could lose their virginity first. It was desperate if you think about it. Anyway, back to where I was. Joshua, my now ex, we were together for 6 months. I thought he loved me, silly me. I never gave into him. I was not ready to have sex, not right now anyway. Joshua, however, his virginity was long gone when he was 14. He said he understood. Joshua told me no pressure, only when I am ready. But I guess he got tired of waiting. When I told him only last week, I was still not ready, he said again he understood. It turns out it was all a front.

I went into school the next day, and he was with some cheerleader, making out with her, 2 lockers down from mine. He told everyone in the entire school that I was still a virgin, a prude. Telling everyone he never liked or wanted me. He was only using me to try and take my virginity. He made me the laughing stock of the entire school. The last few days have been a hell for me.

I could feel everyone watching me, hearing them whisper and laugh at me. I had a strange feeling someone was staring at me harder than everyone else. I looked up and I was right. I got met with a guy dressed in a skinny black jeans, a black tee and a black leather jacket staring at me. I had no clue who he was. I ha never seen him before. If I had, I would have remembered him. He stood out from the crowd. His hair and eyes were dark too. There was a darkness to him. I could feel it. He had a tattoo of an eagle on the side of his neck. I could see the outline of other symbols too. His eyes wouldn't leave me, and it was making me uneasy. As uneasy ad I felt I could not take my eyes off him. I could see all the girls checking him out as they went by, but he kept his eyes on me, never taking a look at them. Not once.

"Move prude" I heard a familiar voice hiss from behind me, Joshua.

I never responded or looked at him. I just put my head back down, going towards my locker. I was trying not to cry. I loved him with my whole heart, still do. The fact that he made me believe he loved me too when he never did caused this full thing to hurt even more. I glanced up to see if the mysterious guy was still standing at the same place, but he had disappeared. He was nowhere in sight. I do not know why I was looking for him. I made my way to my locker, opening it to put my stuff in it that I didn't need till later in the day. I closed my locker door.

"Hi" I heard a voice next to me, making me jump, letting out a small squeal, making people look at me again. I looked to see who it was, and I saw the mysterious guy from a few moments ago standing against the lockers, a smirk playing on his lips. I swallowed hard at the sights of him. He was dark and sexy. He was not the sort of guy that catches my eye usually. He was the complete opposite of Joshua.

"Um...hi" I whispered out, feeling myself blush.

"why are you blushing? I only said hi to you." He chuckled

" scared me." I stuttered out

"I'm Avery" he said with no emotion to his voice. "um...I am um, Hailey." I stuttered out again.

"Cool. See you around babe." He winked, walking away from me.

What just happened? I stood there, not knowing what to do or think. He had left me speechless. I had to pull myself together and get to class before I end up being late. I rushed off to class, taking a seat in the corner, out of everyone's way. Joshua was in this class. Also Mandy, the cheerleader that Joshua was now seeing. They could have been seeing each other for longer for all I know. I could feel him looking at me. As much as I never wanted to look back at him, I ended up doing it. When I did, he smirked, wrapping his arm around Mandy, kissing her passionately. The way he used to kiss me. I could see the smug look on his face as he did. I shook my head, tuning away from them, wiping a couple of stray tears away before anyone noticed.

"Hailey, are you ok?" I heard my only friend I had, Layla ask me.

I nodded, not looking at her as I did because she would see right through me. She took a seat next to me, placing her hand on my shoulder, making me look at her, a sympathetic look on her face.

"Hailey, you can do so much better than him." She smiled.

"yeah right. Joshua was never really mine. I can't do better than someone I never really had." I sighed, again trying not to cry. I wanted this day to hurry up and end. The bell rang, but no sign of the teacher. She was probably running late; she usually is.

"Have you seen the new guy?" she asked

"New guy?" I asked wondering if she meant Avery

"Yes, Avery or something is his name." she said

"yes I met him before class. Who even is he?" I asked

"No one really knows. He is not much of a good guy. He is on his last chance to attend school and get into shape or he is going to Juvi." She said "Apparently, he got expelled from 3 schools in the last year."

"For what?" I asked

"Fighting, vandalism, theft, sleeping with a teacher." She said

"What? Really?" I asked, shocked.

"yes, that is what everyone is saying. He is known to be trouble. The kind of guy people should stay away from, but he has caused a lot of excitement around here. A lot of the girls want him...attracted to the full bad boy thing. The idiots that they are. Why would you wanna get involved with someone like that?" she said shaking her head in disapproval.

He cannot be that bad, can he? People are probably making up stories and have no clue why he is here and what he is like as a person. Then again, I could believe the full bad boy thing? I got that feeling from him.

"Yeah, idiots" I said agreeing with her.

Though to be honest with you, I could not get him out of my head. I don't know what it was, maybe his dark eyes. The darkness to him was intriguing me, which is not a good thing. It is not like it matters anyway. I am sure he will stay away from me. I got pulled out of my thoughts when the teacher walked in, getting the lesson started. I wanted this class to be over, get me away from Joshua and many for an hour or 2 before I have my last 2 with them again.