Chapter 61: Tribute

The next day in the morning, Jorael's Group was ready to leave, and they were in the Palace stables while making preparations before departure. Unexpectedly, two familiar figures arrived to greet the departing group.

"Jorael!" exclaimed the Horned Demon as he approached.

"Erkann! Yolin!" he answered as he was packing Kruma's sling bags.

"I heard you were back, so we came to salute all of you.

But I didn't think you were already leaving..." Yolin said.

"Important matters.

Is your father here?" Jorael asked looking Erkann in his eyes.

"No, he's already back in Krahyr." the bull Demon answered.

"There is something I need to tell you before I leave Drahyr for a while." Jorael said hesitantly.

Thus, he explained the events of Morgeth and how Krenkann had allowed himself to be drawn into the cult of the Old Goddess, where at last, he met his demise.


It was bound to happen...