Donghae City, International Airport.



    Dozens of people in black suits rushed to the exit, their expressions extremely serious, as if they were facing an enemy.

    The surrounding passengers hurriedly stepped aside, not knowing who it was.

    The headed man in a suit frowned tightly, as if thinking of something, he immediately turned and left.

    Soon, on the walking path outside the airport.

    Sitting on the bench, Jiang Ning slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

    "Master hopes you can go back, he misses you very much."

    Five steps behind him, the man in suit said respectfully.

    In front of other people, the man in the suit stands tall and no one dares to offend.

    But in front of the young man in front of him, he felt extremely humble!

    "Miss me?"

    Jiang Ning turned his head slightly, with a sneer on his face, " Does he want my rights or my money?" If

    someone else says this, the man in the suit will disdain the dignified northern Jiang family. Will covet others' wealth?

    But the man in front of him is different.

    He is the Jiang family, the only heir!

    What makes the man in suit even more amazed is that he is still the No. 1 God of War in the East, strong and wealthy!

    "Fifteen years ago, when he kicked me out of the Jiang family and married that fox, Jiang Ning died."

    Jiang Ning spit out the last smoke ring, "Now Jiang Ning has nothing to do with the Jiang family in the north."

    He got up and left directly.

    "Don't send anyone to find me again, otherwise, come one and I will kill one!" A

    terrifying murderous aura instantly enveloped the man in the suit!

    It wasn't until Jiang Ning's back disappeared that the clenched fist of the man in the suit gradually relaxed.

    His back was already wet with sweat.

    In front of Jiang Ning, he was actually nervous.

    In the airport parking lot, a car has already been prepared.

    Jiang Ning got into the car and immediately dialed a number.

    "A Fei, are everything arranged?"

    A voice came from the headset.

    "Give me the address."

    After speaking, Jiang Ning hung up the phone, holding a wrinkled candy paper in his hand, and his thoughts suddenly drifted to fifteen years ago.

    At the age of fifteen, he was driven out of Jiang's house and lived on the street.

    When she was hungry and cold, a little girl in plain clothes gave Jiang Ning the only candy in her hand.

    Subsequently, he was taken away by a mysterious man.

    When he first appeared, the whole world was shaking!

    Three years later, he was hailed as the No. 1 God of War in the East, when he was only eighteen years old!

    Now, twelve years later, the power of the God of War has shocked the world, but Jiang Ning has chosen to retreat.

    He will never forget, that little girl.

    He can't forget, those pure eyes.

    He can't forget, that kind face.

    Putting the candy paper away carefully, Jiang Ning took a deep breath.

    If someone you know is here, I'm afraid it will be shocked. This powerful God of War is also nervous?

    "I'm back." The

    car galloped away.

    At that time.

    Wanshun Hotel in Donghai!

    It is extremely lively.

    The famous Lin family in Donghai City wanted to recruit good sons-in-law for his granddaughter Lin Yuzhen here, which attracted a lot of attention.

    Lin Yuzhen was sitting there in the hotel private room, her fists clenched, her eyes flushed, and her grievances were extreme.

    And Lin Mu Su Mei, who was on the side, flushed with anger.

    "Lin Wen, they have no peace at all! If you want to be a man, go and refuse the old man!"

    She screamed, "Are you going to watch your daughter's happiness be ruined?"

    What recruits a good son-in-law? Shit!

    Su Mei would not believe that they were so kind.

    From a small workshop, the Lin family developed into a third-rate family in Donghai City in 15 years. The owner, Lin Xiao, is a model of self-made.

    Lin Xiao has three sons, Lin Qiang, Lin Wu and Lin Wen.

    Lin Qiang took over most of the Lin family's business and Lin Wu went to the provincial capital to open up the market. However, Lin Wen was in an accident with his legs crippled. Now he can only recuperate at home.

    This time to recruit a good son-in-law for his daughter, Lin Qiang and Lin Wu encouraged the old man to make a decision. They also patted their chests to ensure that they would definitely find a good man for Lin Yuzhen.

    But the result?

    A few candidates are all mediocre and unknown people. There is even one, not only ten years older than Lin Yu, but also intermittent mental illness!

    Why is this looking for a good son-in-law for Lin Yuzhen? This is basically to ruin her!

    Lin Wen flushed at the moment, and his heart was also extremely angry, but he still didn't dare to disobey the old man.

    He knew that the temper of the old man Lin Xiao was always the same. In the Lin family, no one could defy his intention.

    "He is Yuzhen's grandfather, and will not harm Yuzhen." For a

    long time, Lin Wen blushed and squeezed out a word.

    Su Mei almost fainted, pointing at Lin Wen, crying.

    "Why did I marry you so wretched!"

    She knew that Lin Wen was a filial son. She used to be obedient to Lin Xiao. Now that she is disabled, she has become weaker and dare not disobey Lin Xiao's meaning.

    But no matter which man Lin Yuzhen chooses to be his son-in-law, it will ruin Lin Yuzhen!

    Their family will be regarded as a joke by the entire Donghai City!

    Su Mei cried sadly and cursed Lin Wen. Lin Yu really cried silently. Lin Wen could only hold onto his unaware thigh, and secretly blamed herself for helplessness.

    "Mom, don't talk about Dad."

    Lin Yuzhen squeezed out a smile, two tears on her beautiful face.

    "Maybe, Grandpa will find me a good man."

    She didn't know anything, it was the meaning of the uncle and the second uncle.

    After graduating from university, I joined the Lin Family Group to work. In just two years, he made outstanding achievements and suppressed their children.

    They were only worried that they would compete for the Lin family's property, so they urged their grandfather and couldn't wait to find a door-to-door son-in-law to marry him. In this way, they would lose the qualification to compete for the Lin family's property.

    She knows, and her parents know, but they are unable to fight.

    In the Lin family, no one can disobey Grandpa's decision, no one can.

    Lin Yu really got up when he heard the bell ringing.

    "Let's go, grandpa is waiting anxiously, so it's time to scold us."

    Looking at Lin Yu's trembling body, Lin Wen was bitter and helpless. He did not dare to look at his wife, complaining in his eyes.

    He knew in his heart that even though he was aggrieved by staying in the Lin family, at least the family had no worries about life. If they were driven out of the Lin family, what would they do?

    In the hotel lobby, the lights are bright and the guests are here.

    Sitting above Lin Xiao, the old man of the Lin family, dressed in an exquisite Tang costume, leaning on a cane, his face was red.

    "Congratulations, Patriarch Lin."

    "Congratulations Patriarch Lin has got an excellent grandson-in-law!"

    Each guest complimented Lin Xiao.

    "Dad, time is almost up, it's time to announce."

    Lin Qiang, who was standing on the side, was burly and exuded a kind of aura.

    He glanced at Lin Yuzhen, who was sitting not far away, and said loudly: "Our son-in-law has already had a result. The best young man is selected."

    The best young man?

    Hmph, he knew in his heart that this virtuous son-in-law's choice was to pick the worst choice, and even some hidden diseases!

    As long as Lin Yu really married, the Lin family's property would have nothing to do with her.

    This person Lin Xiao absolutely does not allow the Lin family to fall into the hands of people with surnames.


    Everyone !" Lin Xiao stood up, and when he opened his mouth, everyone looked over, "Today, I want to officially announce that my granddaughter Lin Yu is the real husband and wife!"