Chapter 3

[Flashback: Irene's POV]

On my 16th birthday my life changed forever. Until then, I was a happy, average girl, with many friends and loving family. I didn't knew that something in me wasn't quite right.

I was an only child, my parents were both betas like me. Good looks ran in the family, but nothing extraordinary. We were living comfortably and could afford a luxurious life, since my father was a respected professor and my mother a real estate agent. Although they worked a lot, they made sure to have enough time for me and always kept an eye on me. I trusted them fully and talked about everything with them, especially with my mom.

The day I turned 16, I started to feel strangely unwell. I thought I had catched a cold and didn't worried too much about it. The next day, I woke up and was hot and sweating abnormally. I started to freak out. A couple of my friends were Omegas and had already had their first heat. The description of the symptoms sounded too similar to what I was experiencing.

I called for my mother. The sad and resigned look on her face told me that something was wrong.

"Mum, I feel so uncomfortable. Please help me. What's going on?!"

She didn't say a word at first. Then she inhaled deeply.

"Sweetie, I think we have to have a chat. You are our daughter and we love you, no matter what."

A sad smile appeared on her face.

"You see, on paper your are a Beta. That's because most of your DNA is Beta DNA. You have a rare mutation and possess also a small amount of Omega and Alpha chromosomes."

I sat in my bed, speechless.

"And what does it means for me?"

"You will experience heat like the Omegas and can bear offspring. With the time, you will be able to fully control your pheromones, unlike the regular Omegas. So you will not be at risk to be attacked by the Alphas when you have your heat. You can't be marked. But there's more... "

I tried to take all the information in.

My mother explained further.

" You can also set Alpha pheromones free to dominate or seduce but can also withstand an Omega in heat, unlike most Alphas. You are a wonderful mystery, a chimera. No one knows about this except our family doctor, your father and me. You can imagine that some people with bad intentions would pay to get you and your power. "

Now I knew what was happening but I was more terrified as before.

'I don't want to be special. I want a normal life. I don't want to be a freak.'

I started sobbing.

My mother tried to comfort me with a hug.

" We will work it out, baby girl. The doctor has already a medicament that will help you until you have your power under control. Don't worry."

I was a determined girl and my mother was right. She always told me that where there is a will, there is a way and many limits are only in my head.

I dried my tears with my sleeve and forced a light smile.

" What are we having for breakfast? "

I had to be strong and with an empty stomach it was difficult.

My mother seemed relieved as we walked to the kitchen.


Irene stopped talking took a deep breath. A new heat wave was growing in her. She tried her best to control herself, the pheromones already lingering in the air. She could tell that from the eyes of Elliot and Fred.

That unsettling gaze of a lustful predator. She had seen that too many times. Brian understood the situation quickly. He glanced at the phone to calculate when the peak of the heat would come.

"So guys, stop staring and get up."

Elliot and Fred came to their senses abruptly. They were both confused and startled. Neither of them could tell what was going on.

"I said get up. NOW." ushered Brian with impatience.

Elliot stood up and was the first to talk.

"We didn't do anything, what do you want from us????". His fists were clenched, as he felt totally wronged.

Fred touched his arm and pointed at the kitchen.

"Let us go in another room and discuss that".

"Thanks Fred." Brian restrained Irene again and gave her more heat suppressant.

Elliot and Fred sat in the kitchen and looked one another with disbelief.

"That's a lot to take in, El. I know that. But I can now understand why Irene didn't want to be around anyone once a month."

Elliot stared now a point on the wall.

"She's so beautiful, but she is not MY Irene" muttered he.

In that moment, Brian came through the door.

"That's the point. You both don't know how you were staring at her, just 10 minutes ago. Your eyes were already getting darker and your veins were throbbing. Her heat is very powerful, it works on anyone, on dominant alphas too. And it is not a it's peak yet. "

Brian's voice was stern.

" You don't know this side of Irene, Elliot. But she's still the mate you love. You have to try to understand her or go away forever. She needs someone to rely on and if you can't do that, just let her go. It wouldn't be the first time for her."

Just the thought of losing her, woke Elliot up.

" I want to see her and help her through this. Is there anything I can do? "

Brian looked at the clock. A quarter to midnight.

" Just don't touch her. And stay silent. Don't scare her more that you already have and keep your pants on. You too Fred. We are not here to have fun with her. "

Brian looked again at the clock. They had still 10 minutes until the peak. He wanted to explain as much as possible, so that Elliot and Fred wouldn't loose their mind and attack her or run away. He trusted them. They cared for Irene as much as him.

" Irene is going to revert to her true self at the peak of the heat. Her apperence will change and you will experience strong discomfort or lust. I can cope with it because I've being doing it for 5 years but you might not be able to. In that case go back to the kitchen and take this pill. "

Brian gave both Alphas their drug and glanced once more at the clock.

Elliot looked at Brian with questioning eyes.

" So you want to tell me that my mate is sitting in the living room in full heat and I can't sleep with her? Are you f***ing insane? Everybody knows that an Alpha is supposed to claim his omega in heat to ease the pain!"

Brian started to become annoyed.

'Damned Alpha... I will punch him in the face sooner or later' he thought, his hands shaking in frustration.

" She is not a regular omega, so what works for them, doesn't work for her. " Brian war almost shouting at Elliot.

"Now calm the *** down you Omega! " barked Elliot as an answer.

Fred stepped between them and tried to deescalate the fight.

"We are here for Irene, we can discuss everything with her when all this ends" Fred made a circling motion with his hand.

"I'm feeling pretty strange and if Brian is right, Irene needs our help any moment."

The three men composed themselves and walked slowly to the living room.

The room was filled with the sweet fragrance of a female Omega in full blown heat. The two Alphas hat to take a step back and get themselves together.

Both had had many partners, but this was a totally new smell for them. They felt their Alpha instincts raging and feared to loose control.

Brian looked back at them. He was only lightly sweating, while Elliot and Fred, panting, had to turn away and supported themselves on a wall.

"Is everything alright? Do you want to go back in the kitchen?" asked Brian, worried.

'I can only imagine, how much pain is Irene beenb going through for 8 years. I love her, I have to be strong. I won't back off. " repeated Elliot in his head.

" No, I'm coming with you."

He had to be by Irene.

Fred was sitting on the floor, feeling dizzy, nauseous and horny.

"I love Irene but I'm passing. I will go back in the kitchen and take the pill". He was having trouble breathing. He crawled to the kitchen and shut the door.

Brian and Elliott approached the sofa. The Alpha braced himself, then looked at the spot where Irene was sitting before.

He gasped.