Chapter 5


It was the first day of high school after the summer break. My family and I officially had spent the summer at a luxury beach resort. In reality we had been in a special private clinic to treat my condition.

It was a secret place on the shore that treated only people with a high social status and VIPs.

The rooms were very luxurious and it had all the amenities you could think of: many private pool and beach areas, saunas, hairdressers, fitness coaches, make up artists. Everyone was discreet and no one asked questions.

The names of the patients weren't listed anywhere and no one would make more than some meaningless small talk.

My DNA-anomaly had been extensively analyzed and the doctors came up with a medication to control the unusual combination and strength of my pheromones. Sadly my condition could not be fully cured, but at least I looked and smelled like a normal Beta again.

There was also a positive side to my stay at the clinic: thanks to my unique DNA, I was done with puberty very quickly and in a short time looked like a young woman instead of a teenager.

As soon as my pheromones had been stabilized, my hair went from blond to icy-grey and a violet shimmer appeared in my eyes. My slender body became curves in the right places and both men and women started to stare at me when I walked on the street.

My mother had made me promise not to tell anyone about my condition and if someone would ask about my hair or my eyes I had to say that I simply changed my style and smile confidently.

As our driver drove me to school I fidgeted with my school uniform shirt and repeated in my head: 'Everything is fine, just smile' .

'Everything is fine, just smile.'

Once at the school gate, I inhaled deeply and got out of the car.

With a confident look and wind in my silver hair, I entered the school ground. I walked as calmly as possible, with long strides to mask my trembling knees.

At first, nothing happened.

' You are an idiot. There ist a gazillion students in your school, no one cares if you have silver hair or got taller. " I facepalmed myself mentally and started to laugh a bit.

As I entered my class, someone tapped on my shoulder.

" You must be the exchange student, pretty lady. Let me show you around. "

I turned around, confused. The school prince, the handsome Alpha Aaron looked at me with a flirtatious smile.

His lustful eyes were scanning from top to bottom and the rest of my class was gone silent. I looked around to see if someone would remotely recognize me but no one did.

The awkward moment was interrupted by a teacher.

"Aaron please go sit at your desk and stop harassing this innocent beta on school grounds". He pointed at Aaron's desk and looked at me with a half smile.

"Please take a seat, young lady"

I sat down uncomfortably in the back while everyone took place at their usual desk and began to chat in small groups.

The teacher opened the class book and, after a quick glance, started to do roll call.

"Alright everyone, I am Mr Harrison. You probably know me as I tought math in another class but this year until your graduation I will be your new math teacher. Ms. Rosenberg has suddenly decided to stop teaching, so you have to bear with me for the time being. " The class laughed and he flashed a smile.

" Ok so, Aaron?


"Amelie? "

" Here"



I doodled on my paper sheet and tried to empty my mind.

Aaron was glancing at me nonchalantly and I wanted really to ignore him and his luscious coal eyes. He brushed his hand through his jet black hair and glanced again at me. I didn't know if I wanted to punch him in the face or kiss him.


I answered automatically without looking up.


A few of my classmates now stared at me, other giggled.

"What a coincidence, the new kid has the same name like smartass Irene Grand. Such a pity to be associated to that loser bookworm. Has someone seen her?" Jakob, the class clown laughed out loud.

Mr. Harrison hit the desk with his fist.

"Jakob, to me looks like YOU are trying to be the smartass right now. Shut up or you'll go directly to the principal on the first day of school."

He glanced at the class book and smirked.

"And you can start apologizing to Irene, since we don't have a transfer student in this class."

Everyone gasped.

Mr. Harrison smiled at me.

'Now or never Irene, do you want to be a loser forever?' I thought briefly and then answered Jakob straight.

"Yeah Jakob, an apology wouldn't be bad as start. When you are done with it, please don't talk to me again" I stared him dead in the eyes and then grinned.

The following periods went on without major incidents until the break. I wanted to go out to catch a little fresh air and take my drugs when Aaron his clique of alphas intercepted me.

"Hey Grand, you're not bad for a beta now. Pretty hair you have there...Welcome to the adult world." He stood in front of me and blocked my way. The other stood on one side and winked at me.

It was common to change the phisical appearance once reached the adult age. Unfortunately that was also a signal that one could mate. For an alpha it was only a nuisance, but for a beta or worse a omega, it was pretty much a living hell.

It was forbidden to use the pheromones on school grounds, for obvious reasons. Omegas were clearly allowed to stay home during their heat and if an alpha wasn't in control of his/her urges, he/she wouldn't be allowed on school grounds.

The teachers and the principal did their best to ensure the safety of each student but there were sometimes "incidents".

I clenched my teeth and tried to stay calm and confident.

"We can talk about it after school, don't you think?"

I wanted to look sweet and harmless. My mum had strictly forbidden to use my hybrid-alpha power to scare or my hybrid-omega power to seduce. Noboby could see my true self. Ever.

I had to do what a beta does.

I walked up to him and offered him my hand.

"Do you fancy a latte in the cafeteria?"

It had to look like I would submit to him.

Aaron's grin became a smirk.

"Good girl. You know how to treat your Alpha."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his side. His hand encircled my waist and I could feel his warmth through my shirt.

'Damn, I have really to take my drugs'

I started sweating while we walked to the cafeteria.

Aaron sent his 'underlings' away as soon as we where there.

"Private time, guys. And don't forget, for the time being the lady is off-limits." The boys nodded frantically and disappeared.

He chooses a small couch in a corner of the cafeteria and gestured for me to take place at his side. As soon as I sat down, he scooped closer and laid a hand on my thigh.

'Oh-oh, this is dangerous'

I could smell his arousal rising, as well as mine. He startled me as he began to speak. His voice was deep and low.

"I didn't want to come across as the school bully, please try to understand that I have a position to defend in the pack."

He was acting nice but his eyes sparkled darkly.

Aaron came closer, his mouth was barely a couple of inches away from my ear.

"I wish I could show you... right now... why I am the boss"

A chill run down my spine, a mixture of lust and fear. At the clinic I had learned how to act in this kind of situations without revealing my true nature.

My omega-side was begging me to reciprocate his touch but I had to stay strong. A beta would not so casually give in to an alpha. I had to change subject and distract him.

"I don't blame you for not recognizing me this morning. As Jakob said, I was pretty ugly before the coming of age." I lied.

"At least I am a little better now. Are you sure you want to be seen with me though?"

Aaron's gaze cleared up and he moved his hand from my thigh to the table.

"Well, you might not be the official school beauty, after all you're a beta. But you attracted quite the attention of the Alpha males as you strolled in the school hallway this morning." He wanted to make his superiority clear.

"Be glad that I chose you, not every Alpha is as kind as me."

'How flattering.' I thought, innerly rolling with my eyes.

After a little bit of small talk I excused myself to go to the restroom. Once inside, I was able to take my pills and splash my face with some cold water.

As soon as I was done, the break ended and we had to return to class.

The school day ended a couple of hours later and, after Aaron accompanied me to my car, I could finally breath out in relief.

I didn't knew yet, that it was only the beginning.