'White Rose' was a very well-known high-class club in the city. It did look very high end and it didn't have that usual dark-colored and gaudy style.

The club was about an hour's walk away from the hotel Julien was staying at.

Julien put his hands in his pockets and swaggered inside at a carefree pace. He could hear the sound of music as soon as he entered. Hearing it could soothe one's feelings and make them unable to help but relax. After leaving the corridor, the whole lobby instantly appeared before his eyes.

The lights were dim, not too bright or too dark. It gave off a shadowy feeling. At the very front of the hall was a stage and Etienne was playing on the piano.

Julien raised his brows in surprise and came up to the manager: "What's the matter? Why are there so many people?"

Just as he was having doubts, the manager explained to him: "After you searched hot a lot of people came to see your performance and also the club invited the very important guest tonight."

After saying that, he led him to the backstage by the side.

Julien followed the manager and chose somewhere to sit, then he knocked on the surface of the table with his hand: "Open up a bottle of red wine."

The manager was already familiar with his attitude: "What kind of red wine would you like?"

Julien wasn't in the mood for choosing, directly saying: "The best one."

The manager didn't know whose family this young master belonged to. He was unexpectedly so generous with spending money and even performed for free. One should never judge a person by his appearance in these sorts of places.

His tone was inevitably carrying appreciation: "Just a moment, please. I will send someone."

Julien sat with his legs crossed on the sofa. When the waiter opened the red wine and placed it in front of him, he asked: "What time is it?"

The waiter gave a slight bow: "You can take your time, sir. You have half an hour before going on stage."

At once, Julien pointed to the seat opposite him and said to the waiter: "Sit down and drink with me."

The waiter hesitated for only a moment before obediently sitting down. This wasn't the only time a case like this had happened. Seeing him not move after sitting down, Julien raised his eyes: "Dink, the old man won't say anything. I will tell him that I forced you."

At the same time, he poured a glass of red wine for him.

The waiter carefully sipped some red wine. If Julien had not asked him to, he may not have been able to drink this type of red wine his whole life.

Julien chatted with him as he drank: "Who is that important guest old man mentioned a moment ago? Why did the club invite him?"

The waiter was stunned, there was actually someone who didn't know Ioan Baume?

Those were his thoughts but he was not at all slow when answering: "He is the number one rising new King of Commercial Real Estate, but I have no idea how the club owner was able to invite him to come to such a place. I only know he will formally appear in the club at 10 o'clock."

Julien didn't ask about him again. He looked at the time and it was a quarter to ten, there were 15 minutes before he would go on stage.

He began to prepare himself.

At 10 o'clock sharp Julien went on stage as expected.

After Julien's appearance, the whole hall came to a boil.

The 18-year-old young man was slim, long-legged and possessed gorgeous facial features. He wore an inhibitor with hematite stone, a thin knitted shirt and a pair of slim jeans. His good figure was obvious at a glance. He was like a beautiful fairy, but also had a subtle bad boy look.

Listening to everyone's cheers, Julien revealed an easy smile. He pointed to the microphone and got straight to the point: "I'm Julien Baume. I'll be singing 'Lost in Wonderland' for everyone."

Following, the accompaniment started and he began to sing straight-away. His voice was soft and lingering:

I seem to fall into a fantasy

Everything around me is fictional

Everyone is role-playing

Even strangers are acting with me

I'm like a character in the book

Except I have my own emotions

Being led by an invisible pen my life seems so unreal

The world I live in is so illusory so boring so ridiculous

I want to fly out this chapter

Start all over again to rewrite a new me

I'm fed up with this gorgeous but empty dream

Regardless of how beautiful the cover and binding of this book is

I don't want to be trapped in several hundreds of pages

Even if the storyline is very complicated to know the end

I'm already exhausted

Don't mention the clues on propose again

It's better to leave me in suspense for tomorrow

The eyes of some girls were damp with tears: "He is so gentle and he sings so well."

The playing piano was not over yet when Julien was dragged out of the stage. Caught off-guard he couldn't break free. He tried to withdraw his hand but was held on too tightly.

He shouted to System: "Call the traffic police! How can I have an anti-fan so fast!?"

[System: Host, please say hello, this is your older brother.]

Hearing it Julien stopped struggling.

He looked up at the man opposite him and found tears shimmering in Ioan's eyes.

His gaze was fixed on Julien.