On one side, Ioan was filled with joy as he brought Julien to the company. On the other side, when Julien entered the office, he directed his gaze towards the sofa and he knew what he would be doing for the rest of the day.

The assistants' office and the chairman's office was separated by a transparent glass. Moreover, as it still wasn't their breaks, one of the assistants amongst those who were gossiping together, watched the chairman's office entrance excitedly: "Boss actually brought an omega to the company, could it be…"

Strange smiling expressions hung on a few females' faces. As for the two male assistants in the office, they glanced at each other before spontaneously scooting their chairs backward. This group of insane females was imagining obscene things once again.

When Ioan's secretary saw the group of females' appearance, his face became unsightly: "What 'could it be…' That's his little brother."

The females who were interrupted this way felt a little disappointed, but none of them let it show on their faces, merely laughing as they ceased talking. Fortunately, it was working hours and the few females returned back to their seats to work.

Ioan saw Julien was constantly looking at his office, he assumed that he was curious about it: "Is big brother's office nice?"

Julien didn't answer him. He looked around Ioan's office before walking towards the sofa, turning his head around, he smiled: "Big brother, don't overwork yourself and do your best."

He also didn't wait for Ioan's reply. Julien snuggled into the couch before taking out his phone to play games.

When he got bored he started quietly watching Ioan. He has never seen what his brother looked like when he was working. Ioan was equally attentive as usual, but he had a calm and confident temperament. Julien came over and he gently shook the man's arm: "Why don't you take a break? Can you help me introduce?"

Ioan didn't understand: "Introduce what?"

Julien raised an eyebrow: "Introduce me to your colleagues here ah."

Ioan froze up for a moment, he completely forgot about it. He looked up at his surroundings and was immediately greeted by the excited faces shining against the glass.

The man walked out of the office and said happily: "This is my brother, Julien."

The people in the assistant's office suddenly stood up and greeted him in unison: "Hello, second young master."

Julien could only introduce himself once again: "Hello everyone. You guys can just call me Julien. Please don't call me a second young master, it sounds a bit strange to hear."

A wave of good greetings came again inside the office. Secretary Claro who wasn't far from the two said: "It's nice to see you again."

Julien blanked for a while: "Again?"

Secretary Claro then said shyly: "I saw you in the shopping center a while ago."

One of the assistants suddenly shouted interrupting their conversation: "Second young master is going to come often, our eyes will be blessed a lot."

The female received an unceasing angry look back from the other male colleagues.

Julien didn't mind, he even laughed and said: "I must come often later then."

Following that Ioan very enthusiastically showed his brother around the company familiarizing him to the place as quickly as possible.

Julien was worn out and stayed in Ioan's office until working hours were over.

Ioan brought his brother to a high-class restaurant for dinner. The reastaurand had a clean, bold design that incorporated patches of exposed rough brickwork. The shimmering colors of light boxes were reflected in a long pool of glassy water and glowed through a glass wall. The back of the restaurant was actually quite spacious. It had multiple private rooms for only elite members and someone was sitting there.

The man was tall and large. He wore a simple white shirt and suit pants. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing strong arms. His eyes were expressionless but somehow also gave a lonely feeling at that moment.

Ioan instructed the waiting attendant: "Waiter, you can serve the dishes."

When Julien started eating he only kept his eyes on the food closest to him. If it was a little farther from him, he wouldn't move his chopsticks, because he was obviously too lazy.

Seeing him not move, the man sitting beside him had a problem with that. His face momentarily became more solemn and he used the ladle to scoop out a ladle-full of small shrimp meat for Julien that was placed a little farther from him: "Have some more."

After they ate to their full, Julien remained seated but leaned back, adopting a relaxed manner, however, his tone rose up a bit: "It will be nice to have a glass of wine."

His big eyes twinkled at Ioan.

In the corner of the restaurant, Lucius watched the scene of the alpha and omega interaction. His eyes passed over Ioan and omega's face and a trace of surprise and interest rose in his eyes.

He didn't expect his friend to have a little lover and what baffled him more was that he didn't know about it. Ioan was naive, but also a very clean guy so involving himself with omega was unlike him.

After thinking about it he stood up to confirm his guesses.

[System: Warning! Location Information: the distance between you and the villain is two meters and is decreasing.]

Julien had no change in his expression: "It has nothing to do with me. Don't inform me about unimportant things like this."

Then the low magnetic voice fell from above: "What a coincidence. I didn't expect to see you here."

Ioan was in a rather good mood about meeting the man: "Does this count as fate? I didn't have time to meet with you guys lately."

Lucius's face a slight smile as he looked at Julien: "It could and this is?"

Ioan was absolutely delighted to introduce his brother: "This is Julien, my younger brother. He was studying abroad so you didn't have a chance to know each other."

The man nodded to him with a smile: "Hello. My surname is Valentinus, Lucius Valentinus. It's a pleasure to meet you, Junior Julien."

Julien was silent, only glanced roughly and nodded.

As the villain, Lucius's appearance was outstanding - extremely impeccable, handsome face, cut and chiseled. He had his ear-length hair cut in a layered style, pair of gold-rimmed glasses, gentle mannerisms and a friendly smile.

This man was a truly perfect product, everything about how he looked was in line with Julien tastes especially that deep brows and eyes hidden behind the glasses.

Julien was gay. A virgin gay, no less. Although he had never concealed his sexual orientation, no one had ever caught his eye and soul. Even though he suddenly saw a person so suited to his taste, he had no reaction at all. It couldn't be denied that appearance is a significant feature but it didn't matter when a heart is blood-blackened. He wasn't that crazy to fall for someone only because of the look.

It's a pity that the original Julien didn't saw hidden contempt in the man's eyes.

What was most painful was that there was always a price to be paid by people who didn't know how to look past a disguise.

When he was reading the first half of the book he also took him as a white knight and an innocent second male lead. If he didn't have the experience in life and as an actor or didn't read the book to the end he wouldn't know that the villain is wearing an almost faultless mask and is very capable of doing bad things.

Thinking of this, Julien's mouth pulled upwards, revealing a slightly mocking smile, then he glanced sideways at Lucius, who was glancing at him.

Lucius was obviously stunned, his heart jumped sharply. But when he looked back, the boy had already looked away, concentrating on drinking wine.

Lucius wrinkled his nose. Is he being despised?

He didn't know for what reason. He just introduced himself, no more, no less.

He must carefully think it through. It was better to gather more information: "Would you like to sit in a private room with me?"

Ioan had no chance to speak, because Julien refused him straight away: "Sorry, we've finished our meal Mr. Valentinus."

Then he looked at his brother with a pleading expression: "I want to go back."

In the car Julien was speculating on a villain's far too eager and curious behavior.

He was trying to warn Ioan about that man: "The human heart is incomprehensible, you should choose your friends carefully."

Ioan didn't caught the subtext and looked at him suspiciously: "Little One, you always got a place in my heart."

[System: There is no hope for him.]

In this case, he happens to agree with the System: "There's not much else I can do and also dealing with the villain is none of my business."

[System: Maybe Lucius is not as bad as you think...]

Julien pondered for a moment: "None of us are perfect no matter what we say, and as such, all of us at one time will display good and bad traits. Maybe he tries to be a good person... but these efforts only disguise what is buried inside him. There is something he hides and we don't know what it is, definitely not a good thing. In the book he also chose to support a person who is doing bad things. The same person he will be supporting, who is doing bad to others, when they are done with those people, they will take care of him too."

The System knew that by 'supporting a bad person' he was referring to the protagonist of this novel and fell silent for a very long time.

[System: Not everyone who has done something wrong has a clarity and good sense to fix their mistakes. Some of them will remain corrupted and wrong.]

Julien didn't bother with mysterious sounding words of the System. He didn't care and enjoyed a night ride in the car. His presence wouldn't make much difference in this world anyway.